Beverly Hills patient gets smaller abdomen after panniculectomy procedure*

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Meet our inspiring male patient, who once weighed 450 pounds and lost an incredible 160 pounds. Despite his significant weight loss, he was still unhappy with the excess skin and fat in his abdomen. To address his concerns, he underwent a panniculectomy with the expertise of Dr. J. Timothy Katzen in Beverly Hills, CA. The surgery lasted 4.5 hours, during which Dr. Katzen removed a staggering 20 pounds from the patient's abdomen. After the procedure, the patient felt much lighter and more comfortable, allowing him to move around with greater ease. He was delighted with the results and grateful for the life-changing transformation. We at the practice applaud him for his hard work and commitment to his health and well-being.

Panniculectomy #4



Panniculectomy #4



Panniculectomy #4



Panniculectomy #4



*All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.