A 34-year-old male lost 140 pounds and underwent a successful lower body lift.*

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This patient is a 34-year-old Hispanic male with a history of morbid obesity. The patient's highest recorded weight was 306 pounds. The patient engaged in dietary modifications and physical activity, resulting in a weight loss of 140 pounds. The patient's minimum weight following their peak was 165 pounds. Following significant weight loss, he expressed dissatisfaction with the appearance of his abdomen, pubic area, hips, and buttocks. A 360 circumferential lower body lift was performed on him. The procedure lasted six hours and was conducted under general anesthesia. Fourteen pounds of surplus skin and adipose tissue were excised. The rectus muscle was plicated to address rectus diastasis. The 360 circumferential lower body lift comprises an extended tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), hip lift (hip reduction), buttock lift, and pubic lift (pubic reduction). Pictures depict notable enhancements in his overall physique. This patient has a flat abdomen and a well-defined umbilicus. The pubic region has been corrected, elevated, and flattened. Observe the enhanced contour of the buttocks and the reduction of the "love handles". The patient expresses high satisfaction with the 360 circumferential lower body lift procedure. His self-esteem was significantly elevated, enabling him to confidently wear any type of clothing.

34 yo male undergoes body lift

Before 360 lower body lift

After 360 lower body lift

Before/After lower bodylift

Before 360 lower body lift

After 360 lower body lift

Before/After lower bodylift

Before 360 lower body lift

After 360 lower body lift

Before/After lower bodylift

Before 360 lower body lift

After 360 lower body lift

Before/After lower bodylift

Before 360 lower body lift

After 360 lower body lift

Before/After lower bodylift

Before 360 lower body lift

After 360 lower body lift

Lower bodylift after 140 loss

The individual in question is a Hispanic male patient who is 34 years old and had previously been severely obese. The maximum weight that the patient could carry was 306 pounds. A combination of diet and exercise led to the patient losing 140 pounds. After reaching their maximum weight, the patient's weight began to decrease to 165 pounds. The appearance of his stomach, pubic region, hips, and buttocks was something that he did not enjoy after he had lost a significant amount of weight. It was a 360-degree circumferential lower body lift that he had done. While under general anesthesia, the treatment lasted for a total of six hours. A total of fourteen pounds of skin and fat that was unneeded was removed. For the purpose of correcting rectus diastasis, the rectus muscle was plicated, which means it was brought together. The rectus muscle was positioned from the xiphoid, which is located at the base of the sternum, to the pubic symphysis, which is located at the top of the pubic region. An extended tummy tuck (also known as abdominoplasty), hip lift (also known as hip reduction), buttock lift, and pubic lift (also known as pubic reduction) are those that are included in the 360 circumferential lower body lift. For the purpose of reducing post-operative discomfort, an On-Q pain pump was also implanted. Nearly five days later, the pain pump was withdrawn from the patient. Approximately two weeks after the initial placement, four drains were withdrawn. Be aware of the tremendous progress that has been made in his entire body shape. Take a look at his perfectly flat stomach and umbilicus (belly button or belly button). The area around his pubic region has been raised, flattened, and adjusted. Take note of his better buttock shape and the absence of the "love handles" on his shoulders. After undergoing a 360-degree circumferential lower body lift, the patient is extremely pleased with the results. He received a big boost to his self-esteem, and as a result, he is now able to wear any kind of apparel with complete assurance.

*All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.