33-year old woman has silicone butt injection removed with suction*

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A 33-year-old woman suffered from chronic pain, infections, severe itching, and brain fog after getting illegal silicone butt injections. Her MRI confirmed no silicone in the gluteus maximus muscle, and she opted for ultrasound-guided VASER-assisted silicone removal surgery under general anesthesia. The 3-hour surgery successfully removed silicone and scar tissue. She adhered to post-op care, wearing a compression garment for 8 weeks and having drains removed 4 days post-op. All her symptoms resolved after surgery, and she returned to work in 2 weeks. She can now sit comfortably, exercise without difficulty, and live pain-free. Before removal, minor trauma caused severe pain and inflammation, but now, trauma does not increase discomfort. She urges others to remove their illegal silicone injections and is very satisfied with her buttock shape post-surgery, opting out of BBL reconstruction. Raw silicone injections are illegal and very dangerous.

Butt shot removal with suction

Before silicone shot removal

After silicone shot removal

Butt shot removal with suction

Before silicone shot removal

After silicone shot removal

Silicone butt shot removal

Before silicone shot removal

After silicone shot removal

Removal of silicone butt shots

Before silicone shot removal

After silicone shot removal

Silicone butt shot removal

Before silicone shot removal

After silicone shot removal

Silicone butt shot removal

A 33-year-old woman experienced severe complications from illegal silicone buttock injections, including chronic pain, inflammation, infections, and severe itching. She also suffered from brain fog, which she attributed to the silicone injections. An MRI confirmed no silicone in the gluteus maximus muscle, and she decided to undergo ultrasound-guided VASER-assisted silicone scar suction under general anesthesia.

During the 3-hour procedure, surgeons successfully removed the silicone and scar tissue. She adhered to post-surgical care, wearing a medical-grade compression garment for 8 weeks, with drains removed after 4 days. Following the procedure, all her symptoms completely resolved, including pain and brain fog. She returned to work within 2 weeks and is extremely satisfied with her results.


Before surgery, even minor trauma triggered severe pain and inflammation. Now, she can sit comfortably, exercise without difficulty, and live pain-free. While she regrets getting illegal butt injections, she is grateful to Dr. Katzen for his expertise in silicone removal. She actively encourages others with silicone injections to seek removal. Happy with her natural buttock shape post-surgery, she chose not to undergo a fat transfer (BBL) for reconstruction.

*All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.