Roll-free Sleek Back Revolution: Post-Weight Loss Back Lift after 70-Lb*

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This is a 5’5” 200 pound Hispanic 39-year-old female. Her maximum weight was 270 pounds. This patient lost 70 pounds with diet, and exercise. This patient was unhappy with the excess skin of her upper back by her bra strap line. The patient carefully considered several plastic surgeons, ultimately choosing Dr. J. Timothy Katzen in Beverly Hills, California, to address her concerns with her back skin and fat. Dr. Katzen performed a combination of liposuction on her back and a horizontal torsoplasty, also known as an upper back lift or bra lift. The entire backlift surgery lasted four hours, during which the patient was comfortably asleep under the care of a board-certified anesthesiologist. The procedure involved the removal of 5 pounds of back skin and fat, with drains placed on each side. Within two weeks, the patient was able to return to her sitting job. She diligently wore a compression garment for 8 weeks, and the results of her backlift left her feeling ecstatic. Now, she can confidently wear clothes that were previously off-limits, showcasing her smaller and more attractive back. The surgery has not only improved her physical appearance but also boosted her self-assurance. She no longer worries about her back and feels more confident in herself and her body. Thanks to Dr. Katzen's expertise, this patient's life has been positively transformed, allowing her to enjoy social events and public outings without any concerns about her back rolls.

Torsoplasty Backlift #17

Before horizontal back lift

After horizontal back lift

*All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.