230-Lbs Weight Loss Latino Male Patient Gets Radical Flat Back Lift Result.*
- Age40 - 49
- GenderMale
- EthnicityHispanic
- Height5’ 6” - 6’ 0”
- WeightOver 250 lbs
- Torsoplasty (Back Lift)
- After Weight Loss Surgery
- Body Contouring
- Skin Tightening
- After Bariatric Surgery
- horizontal torsoplasty
- After bariatrics
- After weight loss
- Love handle removal
- After bariatrics
- after weight loss
- skin removal surgery
- fat removal
- fat reduction
- back lift
- Body Tightening
- Torsoplasty
- Upper Body Lift
- After Weight Loss
- Vertical Torsoplasty
- Horizontal Torsoplasty
- After Bariatric Surgery
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This 36-year-old Hispanic male patient was morbidly obese and weighed 407 pounds at his maximum weight. He was 5'6". He dieted, exercised, and underwent a RNY gastric bypass procedure, losing over 230 pounds. After his weight loss, he developed excess skin rolls throughout his body. He especially did not like the appearance of his back rolls. He wanted to permanently eliminate his excess back fat and skin rolls. He wanted maximum results, regardless of the position of the resulting scar. He underwent a horizontal torsoplasty, or back lift. This procedure is also called a back lift or upper body lift. The horizontal torsoplasty is also called a bra-plasty, bra straplasty, bra lift, or brassiere back lift because the incision goes across the back. This procedure takes about three to four hours to complete under general anesthesia. During the horizontal torsoplasty, a large, butterfly-shaped area of excess skin and fat is removed. Usually, two drains are placed. Typically, drains stay in place for 10-14 days, depending on output. This patient was allowed to return to his sitting job after 2 weeks. If he had a physically active job, he would be allowed to return to work in about three to four weeks. This patient is extremely satisfied with his results. He does not mind the scar and is very content with the permanent elimination of his back fat and skin rolls, which were a constant reminder of his former overweight self. He is happy and thankful for the backlift.