Elegant Back Contours: Achieved with Skillful Back Lift after 210Lb weight loss*

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This is a 5’5” 200-pound Hispanic 43-year-old female. Her maximum weight was 410 pounds. This patient lost 210 pounds with RNY gastric bypass, diet, and exercise. Despite undergoing previous procedures, she remained dissatisfied due to persistent excess skin and fat around her back and sides. This led her to consult with Dr. J. Timothy Katzen, a renowned specialist based in Beverly Hills, California. During the examination, Dr. Katzen observed that merely opting for back liposuction would leave undesirable skin rolls. Therefore, he recommended a combined approach of vertical torsoplasty and back liposuction. The surgery involved a detailed process. The vertical torsoplasty, lasting approximately four hours, was complemented by an additional hour of back liposuction, all conducted under general anesthesia administered by a skilled anesthesiologist. or the initial three weeks, she diligently performed dressing changes and consistently wore her compression garment for a total of six weeks. In the fourth week, she began applying silicone strips and scar cream twice daily, a routine she maintained for six months. The outcome of her back lift surgery was transformative. She now revels in the ability to wear clothes that were previously not an option for her, post-vertical torsoplasty. The surgery has not only enhanced her appearance but also significantly boosted her confidence, eliminating her previous concerns about body image. She is so happy she had the back lift.

Torsoplasty Backlift #25

Before vertical back lift

After vertical back lift

*All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.