Back Lift Story: Triumph Over Weight Loss. Patient gets Back Roll Surgery.*

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This is a 5’8” 240 pound White 43-year-old female. Their maximum weight was 400 pounds. This patient lost 160 pounds with gastric bypass, diet, and exercise. In a quest to attain a smooth and toned back following significant weight loss, our patient opted for a transformative back lift surgery, also known as torsoplasty. This procedure was performed under general anesthesia by a skilled anesthesiologist, ensuring the patient's comfort throughout. The surgery itself, a meticulous process, took approximately five hours to complete. Remarkably, it was performed on an outpatient basis, allowing the patient to return home on the same day. Post-surgery, the patient had drains in place, which were skillfully removed approximately two weeks later. After three weeks, our resilient patient was able to resume their sedentary job. The journey toward a beautifully contoured back continued as the patient gradually reintroduced exercise into their life, starting approximately four weeks after the back lift surgery. This step marked a pivotal moment in their weight journey. To further enhance the healing process and minimize scarring, silicone strips and silicone cream were applied to the incision site around two months post-surgery. This regimen continued diligently for about six months, contributing to a smoother and more refined appearance. The results of the back lift surgery were nothing short of extraordinary. The patient is very happy with their back lift.

Torsoplasty Backlift #28

Before horizontal back lift

After horizontal back lift

*All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.