Sculpting New Contours: Back Lift After Losing an Incredible 225 Pounds*

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This is a 5’6” 150 pound White 56-year-old female. Her maximum weight was 375 pounds. This patient lost 225 pounds with RNY gastric bypass, diet, and exercise. Achieving a significant milestone with a 225-pound weight loss, she was yet to find satisfaction due to persistent excess skin and fat on her back. Her diligent online research led her to Dr. J. Timothy Katzen in Beverly Hills, California, a recognized authority in reconstructive surgery following extensive weight reduction. Determined to enhance her back's appearance, she consulted with Dr. Katzen. Together, they ruled out solo back liposuction to avoid unsightly skin rolls. Instead, they opted for a comprehensive approach combining vertical torsoplasty with back liposuction. This meticulous surgery, taking six hours under the vigilant supervision of an anesthesiologist, promised a transformative back lift. Intra-operatively, drains were strategically placed and removed on the fourteenth day. Her recovery was swift, resuming work in two weeks. She maintained a compression regimen for six weeks. From the fourth week on, she began a dedicated scar care routine with silicone strips and cream and continued for six months post-back lift. The back lift results were ecstatic, gifting her the freedom to dress as desired and renewed body confidence. She reveled in the remarkable improvement and smoothness of her back, with the back lift bringing a dramatic enhancement to her overall physique. She is extremely happy.

Torsoplasty Backlift #35

Before vertical back lift

After vertical back lift

*All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.