Revolutionizing Back Appearance with Lift Surgery after 127-pound weight loss*

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This is a 5’8” 130 pound White 43-year-old female. Her maximum weight was 317 pounds. This patient lost 127 pounds with RNY gastric bypass, diet, and exercise. Following her remarkable 127-pound weight loss, she was still confronted with unwanted back and side skin and fat. In her quest for a solution, she found Dr. J. Timothy Katzen, a Beverly Hills surgeon renowned for his expertise in reconstructive plastic surgery after major weight loss. Opting for his services, it was concluded that back liposuction alone would not suffice due to potential remaining back skin rolls. Instead, a vertical torsoplasty paired with back liposuction was performed, totaling about five hours under general anesthesia under the care of an anesthesiologist. Drains were inserted and removed on the tenth day post-surgery. Within two weeks, she resumed her office job. For six weeks, she maintained dressing changes and wore a compression garment. She diligently applied silicone strips and scar cream for six months. The back lift transformation was profound, enhancing her silhouette and confidence, allowing her to wear clothes she previously couldn't, and she was incredibly pleased with her refined back contour. The upper-body lift or bra strap lift helped her complete her weight-loss journey. She now views her weight-loss journey concluded with this back lift. The source of her enhanced confidence lies in the permanent elimination of her back skin and rolls. She is so happy with her back lift.

Torsoplasty Backlift #38

Before vertical back lift

After vertical back lift

*All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.