Transformed: Post-Weight Loss of 126 pounds, Back Lift Success!*
- Age50 - 59
- GenderFemale
- EthnicityWhite
- Height5’ 6” - 6’ 0”
- Weight150 - 199 lbs
- Torsoplasty (Back Lift)
- After Bariatric Surgery
- After bariatrics
- Love handle removal
- After bariatrics
- after weight loss
- skin removal surgery
- fat removal
- fat reduction
- back lift
- Body Tightening
- Upper Body Lift
- Saggy Skin
- Excess Skin
- After Weight Loss
- Back Rolls
- Back Fat
- Love Handles
- Excess Skin on Sides
- After Bariatric Surgery
- vertical torsoplasty
- torsoplasty
- body contouring
- Sagging Skin
- Skin Tightening
- loose skin
- liposuction
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Meet a 51-year-old White female patient who was originally morbidly obese and weighed 324 pounds. She underwent RNY gastric bypass, resulting in an amazing transformation. After her massive weight loss, she lost 126 pounds. However, she was still not happy with the excess skin and fat in her back and sides. She decided to seek help from Dr. J. Timothy Katzen of Beverly Hills, California. Dr. Katzen examined her back. Dr. Katzen and the patient determined that the patient would be left with rolls of back skin if he only performed back liposuction. Dr. Katzen performed a vertical torsoplasty and back liposuction. The vertical torsoplasty took about four hours, and the back liposuction took about one hour to complete under general anesthesia. The anesthesia was administered by an anesthesiologist. A drain was placed on each side. Both back drains were removed on post-operative day ten. The patient was able to return to her sitting job two weeks after her surgery. The patient performed dressing changes for three weeks and wore her compression garment for six weeks. In the fourth week, the patient applied silicone strips and scar cream twice daily. The patient applied the silicone cream and the silicone strips for six months. She is thrilled with the back lift results. She is able to wear clothing that she was unable to wear before her vertical torsoplasty. Her back lift has given her confidence, and she no longer has any worries about her body image.