25 More Questions About Vaser Neck Liposuction


1 Is VASER neck liposuction performed under IV, local or general anesthesia?

VASER neck liposuctions can be conducted either under IV sedation, local anesthesia, or general anesthesia. If you are overly anxious or scared of surgery, Dr. Katzen suggests general anesthesia.

2 What are the different ways to perform neck liposuction?

There are several different techniques to perform the neck liposuction. The safest neck liposuction techniques involve the injection of tumescent solution. However, there are several different ways to perform even tumescent solution injection. There is the tumescent technique, dry technique, wet technique, and super wet technique. The primary difference between these methods is the amount of tumescent solution that is injected. Also, there are multiple different types of liposuction machines. There is Ultrasonic liposuction (UAL), Power assisted liposuction (PAL), Laser liposuction, SmartLipo, CoolLipo, ProLipo PLUS, LipoLite, LipoTherme, LipoControl, and Water Jet Assisted Liposuction to name just a few!! Each liposuction has its own benefits. Also, each liposuction machine has its own group of plastic surgeons who believe in the product. Dr. Katzen believes that the VASER liposuction followed by Power assisted liposuction, yield the best results for neck liposuction.

3 If I gain weight, will my neck fat come back?

No, if you gain weight, the fat does not automatically go back into your neck. Even if you do gain a significant amount of weight, it would be tough to regain all the fat lost during VASER neck liposuction.

4 Where are the VASER neck liposuction scars?

With VASER neck liposuction, there are one to three scars. One scar is placed behind the chin. The incision is placed in neck skin crease. The incision is slightly smaller than a pencil eraser tip. Often, this is all that is needed. Sometimes an incision is placed behind each ear lobe. These earlobe incisions are placed to access the side of the neck. Sometimes these earlobe incisions are placed to also access the central neck. Again, these incisions are tiny.

5 After my neck liposuction, when will I be able to walk?

The day after your VASER neck liposuction you should be able to walk. You may not be able to walk far, but you should be able to walk to the bathroom and take care of yourself. The day after your surgery you can go outside your house, but you will be swollen.

6 FOR MEN: Before VASER neck liposuction, do I need to shave my chin and neck?

Yes, you should shave your neck before you have VASER neck liposuction. Shaving your neck keeps the surgical area clean. Also, shaving before surgery decreases facial maintenance after VASER neck liposuction surgery.

7 FOR MEN: After VASER neck liposuction, when can I shave my face?

Usually, you can shave your face, five days after VASER neck liposuction. When you shave your face, please be careful around you chin incision and sutures.

8 After VASER neck liposuction, how should I sleep?

After VASER neck liposuction, please sleep with the back of the bed inclined at 45 to 60 degrees. This bed position is important to reduce swelling and accelerate healing. After neck liposuction, the less neck swelling there is, the faster you will recover. Also, it is crucial not to bend your neck. You should hold your chin at 90 degrees in relation to your neck. Bending your neck can cause pleats or wrinkles in the neck skin. If the neck is not kept straight, these wrinkles can become permanent. To keep your neck straight, place several pillows behind your back and neck. Do not put a lot of pillows just behind your head because this will cause the neck to bend and neck wrinkles to form. You should place pillows behind your head, neck, and back. These pillows should be placed lengthwise or perpendicular to the normal position of a pillow. That means the length of the pillow follows your spine. These pillows should keep the back of your head and your shoulder blades in a straight line. This pillow position will prevent your neck from flexing.

9 What are the indications for VASER neck liposuction?

In general, if you dislike your neck, you might be a candidate for VASER neck liposuction. If you have excess fat of your neck, you may be a candidate for VASER neck liposuction. If you have excess neck skin, you may also be a candidate for VASER neck liposuction. One of the significant benefits of using the VASER for neck liposuction is that the VASER causes the neck skin to contract. VASER induced skin contracture may alleviate the need for a facelift or a neck lift. The results you will obtain from VASER neck liposuction ultimately depends on your anatomy, your healing capacity, and the surgical precision achieved with the VASER.

10 I have a big “turkey gobbler” neck. Can dieting alone get rid of my neck fat?

It is tough to get rid of neck fat by dieting alone. Usually, the accumulation of neck fat is not necessarily a sign that you were obese. Genetic and anatomic factors play a role in the creation and collection of neck fat. Of course, if you are obese or morbidly obese, Dr. Katzen always suggests weight reduction. However, even after dieting and exercising, a thick neck is usually still present.

11 How do I know if I need VASER neck liposuction or a neck lift?

The best thing to determine if you need neck liposuction or a neck lift is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Katzen. In general, if you have localized neck deposits, you may only need VASER neck liposuction. If you have excess neck skin, you may only need VASER neck liposuction. During VASER neck liposuction, the VASER emits thermal energy. This thermal energy causes the neck skin to contract. Often, the neck skin contracts so well after VASER neck liposuction that the neck does not need a neck lift. However, some patients still need a neck lift after VASER neck liposuction. Requiring a neck lift is dependent on your skin’s contractility. Skin contractility is decreased as you age. Therefore, the older you are, the more likely you will need a neck lift as opposed to just VASER neck liposuction.

12 If I have VASER neck liposuction and my neck skin is still sagging, can I have a neck lift?

Yes, you can have a neck lift after VASER neck liposuction. Dr. Katzen suggests you wait at least two or three months for the swelling and scar tissue to subside before considering a neck lift after VASER neck liposuction. Just because you have VASER neck liposuction, does not mean that later you cannot have a neck lift.

13 Can VASER neck liposuction be performed at the same time as a facelift?

Yes, VASER neck liposuction can be carried out at the same time as a facelift. VASER neck liposuction combined with a facelift is a great way to eliminate neck fat and rejuvenate the entire face. During a facelift, the foundation and deep tissue of the face are lifted. Excess facial skin is removed. The result is a rejuvenated face and a beautiful, tight neck.

14 Does VASER neck liposuction work well for patients who have lost a significant amount of weight?

Yes, VASER neck liposuction does work very well for patients who have undergone significant weight loss. Even though the neck skin has been stretched with weight gain and tried to contract with weight loss, the neck skin is still very amenable to contracture with VASER neck liposuction. The results with VASER neck liposuction in massive weight loss patients is usually extremely successful.

15 Can other surgical procedures be performed at the same time as VASER neck liposuction?

Yes. If you are healthy, other procedures can be conducted at the same time as your neck liposuction. Please discuss these options with Dr. Katzen. Often, Dr. Katzen performs breast surgery and liposuction at the same time as VASER neck liposuction. Sometimes, Dr. Katzen will perform an arm lift or leg lift at the same time as VASER neck liposuction.

16 I feel lumps under my VASER neck liposuction scar. What are these lumps? When will these lumps go away? How do I get rid of these neck lumps?

Lumps under your VASER neck liposuction scar are not uncommon. These lumps are scar tissue due to the VASER neck liposuction procedure. Dr. Katzen calls these hard areas, “scar balls.” These internal scars may take six to eight months to dissolve after VASER neck liposuction. Usually, these internal scars disappear without any manipulation. If, however, these “scar balls” are concerning to you, Dr. Katzen suggests deep tissue massage. For deep tissue massage, Dr. Katzen recommends manual massage or using a vibration device to break up the scar tissue in the neck. Fortunately, almost all neck scar tissue disappears with time.

17 After VASER neck liposuction, what happens during the healing phase in the neck?

During VASER neck liposuction, neck fat is removed. Due to the thermal elements of VASER during neck liposuction, the under surface of the neck skin contracts. Since the fat in the neck has been removed, your body sends cells to repair the neck. This influx of cells presents as swelling. Once the swelling subsides, preliminary scar tissue is created in the neck. Over time, this initial scar tissue is continuously broken down, and a more mature, softer scar is formed. The final result is a soft, smooth neck.

18 I had my thyroid removed, and I have a thyroidectomy neck scar. I have also had my cervical neck fused, and there is also a neck scar. Even though I have neck scars, can I still have VASER neck liposuction?

Yes, even though you have a thyroid scar or a scar from a cervical neck fusion, you can still have VASER neck liposuction. There may be slight tissue resistance around the scar tissue. However, the underlying scar tissue can be removed with the VASER. Usually, prior neck scars do not prohibit you from having VASER neck liposuction.

19 My lip is down after the liposuction. What happened?

There are two nerves (one on each side) that exit the mandible or jawbone and enervate the lower lip. The nerve is called the marginal mandibular nerve and is a branch of the facial nerve. The facial nerve is a main nerve in the face. The marginal mandibular nerve enervates many of the muscles to the lower lip. After VASER neck liposuction, there is always swelling. Sometimes the swelling in the neck tissue compresses the marginal mandibular nerve. Compression of this nerve can lead to a temporary nerve dysfunction. When the marginal mandibular nerve is compressed, it does not work properly. The clinical presentation of marginal mandibular nerve compression is that the outer portion of the lower lip is depressed. When asked to smile, or show their teeth, patients cannot lift their outer lower lip when this nerve is compressed. Usually, the swelling and nerve compression is one-sided. However, both nerves and thus, both lower lips can be injured. Fortunately, this lip depression is usually transient and goes away after several days or weeks.

20 How long will I be swollen?

After VASER neck liposuction, you will be swollen for one to 2 weeks. Two weeks after VASER neck liposuction, 80 and 90% of the swelling should be gone. Six to eight weeks after VASER neck liposuction, almost all the swelling should be gone. Increased activity will cause increased neck swelling.

21 How long is there bruising?

The extent of bruising depends on the patient. Some patients have no bruising, whereas other patients have significant bruising throughout the neck and even onto the chest. If you are prone to bruising, please notify Dr. Katzen.

22 When can I start working out?

Dr. Katzen suggests you wait two weeks after VASER neck liposuction before you consider exercising. The issue is that exercise can increase your blood pressure. In turn, the increase in your blood pressure can cause bleeding. Bleeding can cause a hematoma and delay your healing. Therefore, it is best to wait at least two weeks for everything to heal after VASER neck liposuction.

23 Should I use Arnica Montana?

Arnica has been shown to decrease bruising in general. If you are prone to bruising, you may want to consider using Arnica after VASER neck liposuction. However, if you decide to use Arnica, please notify Dr. Katzen so he knows that you are taking Arnica.

24 I am not fat. Why did my neck get bigger?

A fat neck does not necessarily mean you are obese. Large necks can be due to your genetics. If you have a thick neck, you may want to look to your parents to find the source. If your parents have normal necks, your anatomy may be to blame. Some patients with large jaws or protruding chins may develop a large or fat neck. This is due to the inability of the neck skin to continuously hold up neck fat against gravity. Fortunately, there are solutions like VASER neck liposuction to eliminate “turkey gobbler” necks.

25 Besides VASER neck liposuction, are there non-surgical options to reduce the fat in my neck?

Yes, recently, there has been an FDA approved injection which reduces neck fat. This product is called Kybella®. Kybella® is deoxycholic acid. Kybella® melts fat. Kybella® is injected throughout the neck. Kybella® injections are performed in the office. To achieve optimal results, you may need two or three sessions to minimize or eliminate your neck fat. Kybella® can achieve impressive results. Kybella is a healthy alternative for patients who cannot undergo a surgical procedure to eradicate neck fat.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.