Advantages of a Body Lift After Weight Loss
Losing weight can be a challenging task, but it will change your life forever. Burning extra body helps you lower your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and many other serious health problems. Once you have lost a significant amount of weight, you might want to consider having a body lift and other procedures to achieve a slim and toned appearance. The body lift takes just a few hours to complete and is an effective way to permanently get rid of sagging skin around the stomach, hips, love handles, and buttocks.
Loose Skin After Weight Loss Healthy skin should cling to the underlying soft tissue, but that all changes when an individual loses quite a bit of weight. Your skin might partially shrink after burning fat, but it won’t completely readjust to your new size. The vast majority of patients who lose more than a few pounds will likely experience lingering loose skin. The goal of a body lift is to trim and tone those areas by removing the extra skin.
Circumferential Body Lift A circumferential body lift, also known as a 360 circumferential lower body lift, is designed to remove sagging skin from throughout the lower body in a single procedure. Instead of carrying out several procedures over the course of a few years, all the soft tissue will be excised in a single surgery. Depending on your personal cosmetic goals and the location of the loose skin, Dr. Katzen might begin this process by starting at the abdomen, hip bones, pubic area, or flanks. In general, the procedure consists of removing skin until the remaining soft tissue can be pulled tightly. Due to the complexity of a body lift, the body lift typically takes at least 6 to 8 hours. Once the skin has been pulled tightly, and the areas are sutured shut, compression garments may be placed over the treatment sites.
The Advantages of a Body Lift One of the most heartbreaking side effects of weight loss is sagging skin, and no one wants to feel uncomfortable with their appearance after all their hard work. Unlike skin tightening creams and ointments, a body lift will produce almost immediate results. Another benefit of a circumferential body lift is the fact that the results can be permanent with the proper aftercare. As long as you don’t gain weight in the future, the results should last for the rest of your life. The procedure can be personalized to meet your exact needs, and that is one of the reasons why the success rate for this procedure is so high. During your initial consultation, you and Dr. Katzen will come up with a comprehensive treatment plan to help you achieve your cosmetic goals. Within just a few weeks of your first appointment, you might finally have the body of your dreams. We can help you learn more about this beneficial procedure at the offices of J. Timothy Katzen, M.D., located in Beverly Hills and Las Vegas. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation and find out if a body lift is right for you.