Are you the right Candidate for a 360 Lower Body Lift Surgery?
“Redefine your lower body by eliminating excess skin from the abdomen, hips, back, and buttocks!”
- Have you lost significant weight after a gastric surgery and now have residual excess skin/tissue?
- Do you wish to improve your overall body contour?
- Diet and exercise have helped you lose weight, but the excess skin is still there.
- Do you suffer from infections in your skin folds?

You have done the work of losing weight, but now suffer from excess/hanging skin. Experienced, plastic surgeon Dr. J. Timothy Katzen performs the most advanced version of a 360 circumferential lower body lift. Dr. Katzen has successfully performed thousands of these procedures to help patients achieve a contoured body profile.


What is a 360 Lower Body Lift Surgery?
A 360 lower body lift surgery helps transform the lower body. A 360 circumferential lower body lift includes a tummy tuck and butt lift. The body lift simultaneously redefines the abdomen, pubic region, buttocks, hips, outer thighs, and back following major weight loss or weight loss surgery. Liposuction may also be used to provide patients with optimal results.
Candidates for a 360 Circumferential Lower Body Lift:
- You wish to improve your body appearance after major weight loss.
Often, after losing weight, there is residual loose skin. Despite further diet and exercise, this skin remains. A 360 lower body lift can help address this concern and remove the excess/sagging skin.
- The skin on your buttocks and thighs has become loose and wrinkled.
A 360 circumferential body lift will improve the sagging skin on your buttocks and outer thighs. This plastic surgery procedure includes the excision of extra skin, leaving you slimmer and free of excess skin.
- You have loose skin and cellulite after pregnancy/childbirth.
Extra skin may stay behind after pregnancy. Often, a tummy tuck is referred to as a “mommy makeover” for this reason. Patients who want a butt lift in addition to a tummy tuck should consider a 360 circumferential lower body lift to address both concerns at once!
- You should be at your weight goal at the time of surgery.
A 360 circumferential lower body lift is for patients who have lost their weight and now maintain a stable, healthy weight. After this plastic surgery procedure, it is also important to maintain your weight through proper diet and exercise.