ASIA Syndrome

By: Dr. J. Timothy Katzen


ASIA syndrome is an acronym and stands for Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants. Adjuvants are pharmacologic or immunologic agents that modify the effect of other agents. Adjuvants are like vaccines that push or stimulate the immune system. There are five different recognized subtypes of ASIA syndrome. There are the patients with 1) post-vaccination symptoms, 2) macrophagic myofascitis, 3) Gulf War syndrome, 4) sick building syndrome, and 5) siliconosis. The onset of symptoms after injection of an adjuvant is usually between two days and 23 years after exposure. The average onset of symptoms in Dr. Katzen’s practice is approximately 10 years.

There are major and minor criteria in the involvement of ASIA syndrome. Major criteria include 1) exposure to external stimuli, prior to clinical manifestations, 2) myalgia or muscle pain without inflammation or swelling, 3) myositis or muscle pain with inflammation or swelling, 4) muscle weakness, 5) arthralgia or joint pain without swelling, 6) arthritis or joint pain with swelling, 7) chronic fatigue, 8) non-restful sleep, 9) sleep disturbance, 10) neurologic manifestations, especially associated with demyelination diseases like multiple sclerosis, 11) cognitive alterations, 12) loss of memory, 13) fever, 14) dry mouth, 15) the fact that the removal of the initiating agent induces improvement and 16) the typical biopsy shows involvement of the involved organ.

Minor criteria include 1) the appearance of autoantibodies directed against the suspected adjuvant, 2) other possible auto-immune “symptoms”, include irritable bowel syndrome, 3) positive HLA markers like HLA-DRB1, HLA-DQB1 and 4) the initiation of autoimmune illnesses, like multiple sclerosis and systemic sclerosis.

To be positive for ASIA syndrome, you must have two major symptom criteria or one major symptom criterion and two minor symptom criteria.

ASIA syndrome is not a recent syndrome or a recent discovery. ASIA syndrome has been around and defined since 2011. However, not many medical doctors know about ASIA syndrome. In Dr. Katzen’s practice, ASIA syndrome is a huge problem and is a large portion of his practice. Dr. Katzen has successfully treated many patients who have had injections of products into their buttocks, breasts, lips, nose, cheeks, eyebrows, forehead, chin, biceps, triceps, pectoralis, abdomen, labia, penis, scrotum, thighs and calves. If that were not only the problem, there is also a problem that the injectable materials migrate. As you can imagine, migrating materials can go almost anywhere.

Over the years, Dr. Katzen has seen many different types of materials injected in to the body. Dr. Katzen has seen silicone, PMMA, biopolymers, caulking material, crazy glue, aquarium sealant, cooking oil, palm oil, sesame seed oil, and even cement. All these products are foreign to the body and can stimulate the onset of ASIA syndrome.

The FDA has repeatedly warned against using injectable silicone for body contouring and enhancement.

Please see:

The FDA states that injectable silicone can lead to “ongoing pain, infection, serious injuries, scarring, embolism, stroke and even death”. Free injectable silicone has also been linked with granulomas and certain cancers. The FDA has said that silicone oil should NOT be injected. Silicone oil is completely different than silicone that is present in breast, buttock, and facial implants. Furthermore, silicone oil is a liquid polymer of siloxane. Siloxane is a polymer found in caulking material and is not FDA approved for injection. The only injectable silicone that the FDA allows is in certain eye procedures where the silicone is injected inside the globe of the eye. Silicone injections and injections of other materials into any part of the body is illegal and many people have served and are currently serving jail time for injecting silicone.

There had been doctors, nurses, physician’s assistants, cosmetologist, and aestheticians who have been sent to jail for illegal injections of silicone.

However, most people who wind up in jail for injecting silicone have no medical training whatsoever.

Dr. Katzen’s surgical approach is to remove as much product and surrounding scar tissue as much as possible. Then, approximately four to six months later, reconstruction is achieved with either implants and or fat grafting. Sometimes the removal of the silicone, silicone-associated scar tissue, and granulomas is covered by insurance. To be approved for removal you need to have to have symptoms like localized pain, skin reactions, spread or even systemic signs, like hypercalcemia. Sometimes MRIs are required to determine the exact location of the silicone, but are not always needed.

If you think you, a loved one, or a friend has ASIA syndrome, please call Dr. Katzen. Dr. Katzen has treated patients from all over the world and is considered a leading expert in the field of removing silicone from the body. Call Dr. Katzen, for a FREE consultation.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.