Breast Reduction for Men for Those with Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia is a condition that causes men to have enlarged breasts. Many factors can cause gynecomastia, which include weight fluctuations, certain medications, and genetics. Gynecomastia is common among men and can develop at any age.
Many men with gynecomastia choose to have a male breast reduction for a flat, masculine chest. If you have enlarged breasts that make you self-conscious, breast reduction for men can help you regain confidence and achieve the chest contour that you desire. Ideal candidates for the male breast reduction procedure will be in good health with realistic expectations. It is also important that you don't have any medical conditions that could hinder surgery and recovery. Before the procedure, you will have a medical evaluation to see if you are healthy enough for a male breast reduction.
What to Expect during the Procedure
To perform a the male breast reduction procedure, Dr. J. Timothy Katzen may use liposuction alone or in conjunction with tissue excision. Often, liposuction is used on males with mild to moderate gynecomastia. Once Dr. Katzen has removed the excess fat and glandular tissue, the liposuction is complete. For men with severe cases of gynecomastia, the best option may be liposuction for fat removal to remove further fat, glandular tissue, and loose skin. Tissue excision can remove more fat than liposuction. While the incisions will depend on each patient, most incisions made with tissue excision will be along the edge of the areola, under the arm or at the natural crease of the chest.
Recovery Following a Male Breast Reduction for Men
In most cases, male breast reduction will be performed as an outpatient procedure. It is important to have a ride home, and you should arrange for someone to stay with you for the first night after the male breast reduction surgery. After the male breast reduction surgery, you will notice an immediate improvement in the appearance and shape of your chest. You will be given a compression garment to wear, and it is important that you wear it as directed to minimize swelling and speed healing.
Most men can return to work about one to two weeks after the male breast reduction procedure. Dr. Katzen can provide you with more specific recovery instructions and guidelines so you can experience optimal results. Would you like to find out more about a breast reduction for men? If so, please contact Dr. Katzen today at either of his offices in Beverly Hills, CA or Las Vegas, NV.