Challenges of Changing Breast Implants

By: Dr. J. Timothy Katzen


Breast implant augmentation surgeries are a common plastic surgical procedure nowadays. Whenever a woman undergoes one, it the last thing on her mind to get a second one, which is also called breast revision surgery. Women need to understand that breast implants may not last a lifetime. Once you get a breast implant, it is almost likely that at some point, you will have to get a second one.

There can be a number of reasons why women undergo plastic surgery to exchange their breast implants. For instance, breast implants can rupture or deflate. Sometimes, a woman is not happy with the feel or look of her breasts now. According to Dr. Timothy Katzen, an established and well-known plastic surgeon, one of the most common reasons why women undergo a second breast augmentation surgery is because they want their breasts to look more natural or more proportional with the rest of their bodies.

According to the statistics provided by the FDA, nearly 37% of women in the United States undergo breast revision surgeries to exchange for a larger breast size. Women often visit plastic surgeons for a consultation on breast augmentation, and one of the biggest concerns is that they want their breasts to be big, not too big.

Reasons to Change Your Breast Implants

  • Ripple problems after the first implant surgery are a common issue. Therefore often, Dr. Katzen recommends switching from Saline to Silicone. Usually, silicone breast implants are more natural, and softer compared to saline implants.
  • Capsular Contracture requires the release of scar tissue around the breast implant through capsulotomy or capsulotomy.
  • Cosmetic concerns are very common where the patient is unhappy with their results. The patient may complain of symmastia, bottoming out, or double bubble.
  • Another major issue comes after childbirth, where women suffer age-related changes like weight gain or weight loss etc.

According to Dr. Timothy Katzen, women who had their first breast implant surgery 20 or 30 years ago, are now at a very different place in their life. Many patients want the implants to be removed because they either don’t like the size and shape of their breast implants or are done with the weight of the breast implants.

Challenges of Second Breast Implant Surgery

Undergoing a second breast implant surgery is not easy. In fact, usually, secondary breast implant surgery is much more complicated than breast augmentation for multiple reasons. First, Dr. Katzen is now dealing with the anatomical changes of stretched breast tissues. Second, there are the additional challenges of the breast capsule, possibly breast implant rupture, and creating breast symmetry. Third, patients may have unrealistic expectations that cause disappointment. Unrealistic expectations can occur when there are some misconceptions, valid or invalid, that the previous plastic surgeon did something wrong. It is important to have a thorough consultation before you undergo surgery so that you have all the answers in place.

One of The Best Breast Implant Surgeon in the United States

Dr. Timothy Katzen is a certified plastic surgeon with a very high success rate among his patients. Schedule a session today, and share your concerns, ask questions, and only get the procedure when you are satisfied completely. Only an expert plastic surgeon can handle second breast implant surgery with expertise, and Dr. Timothy Katzen is one of the few in the business.

Dr. Timothy Katzen is a plastic surgeon well known in Beverly Hills, CA, and Dubai. Dr. Katzen is an experienced plastic surgeon ready to listen to your concerns and create your new dream breast implants. Call Dr. Katzen today to schedule your FREE breast implant consultation and see if you need a capsulectomy. If distance and traffic are a problem, virtual consultations can be scheduled through Face Time, Skype, WhatsApp, or Zoom. Call (310) 859-7770 today, to get the breasts you deserve.



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