Considering Breast Reduction for Men with Gynecomastia


If you are a man with gynecomastia, doing some of your favorite hobbies may be out of the question. Rather than enjoying a day at the beach, you tend to remain covered. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce your breasts and be happier with your appearance. Here are some things you should know about this condition, how it can be treated, and what to expect once the gynecomastia procedure is completed.

Understanding Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is the enlargement of breast tissue in men. Gynecomastia can occur for several reasons, but the most common cause of gynecomastia is hormonal imbalance. Correcting the imbalance does help to prevent further enlargement, but does nothing to reduce the enlarged breast tissue that is already present. Fortunately, it is possible to surgically remove the excess breast tissue and contour the breasts so they are properly proportioned and balanced.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Reduction?

A physical examination is necessary to determine if gynecomastia is present. Enlarged breasts may also be caused by weight gain that adds to the amount of fatty tissue found in the upper portion of the body. When exercise and diet do not reduce the size of the breasts, Dr. Katzen will often suggest a male breast reduction. If there is some fatty tissue paired with excessive glandular tissue, the patient is a likely candidate for male breast reduction surgery.

What Happens during the Recovery Period?

Since male breast reduction is a surgical procedure, there will be a recovery period. Fortunately, the recovery is short, so you can focus on the fact that the gynecomastia is no longer present.

After your gynecomastia surgery, you should expect soreness across both breasts. You will be prescribed oral antibiotics, and pain medications. You will need to wear a compression garment to compress the breasts. These methods all help to reduce swelling while still supporting healthy blood flow to the area.

After surgery, you should limit your physical activity. While walking and similar forms of exercise are fine, lifting weights is out until your recovery period is over. Even then, you will need to start with lower amounts of weight and gradually work back to whatever amounts you were lifting prior to the surgery.

How Does Life Change after the Procedure?

With gynecomastia no longer a part of your life, things will change. You should feel more comfortable taking off your shirt at the beach or pool. Changing in a locker room won't be so rushed, and you should feel more comfortable in the gym shower. You should also like the way your shirts fit a little better. In general, you should be more comfortable with your body and less self-conscious.

Do you think that surgery for gynecomastia is right for you? Feel free to arrange a consultation with Dr. J. Timothy Katzen at one of his offices in Beverly Hills or Las Vegas. After the exam, Dr. Katzen will review the results and go over all options with you. Contact Dr. Katzen today to schedule your consultation!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.