How do Body Positivity and Plastic Surgery Go Hand-in-Hand?

By: Dr. J. Timothy Katzen


At Body by Katzen, we are strong proponents of body positivity. Body positivity should be encouraged and celebrated. However, we also know that many of our patients may struggle in this area. They may not feel confident in their skin and constantly battle insecurity because of how they look and feel.

When left unchecked, a lack of self-esteem can cause severe emotional issues that are hard to manage. For many of our patients, plastic surgery was the key to helping them rebuild their confidence. So let’s talk about how body positivity and plastic surgery can help you love and embrace the incredible physical features that are unique to you.

What is Body Positivity?
The concept of body positivity is that all people should feel good about their bodies and be confident in their skin, regardless of what anyone else says. Unfortunately, we live in a world of negativity, and everyone from family members to strangers on the internet are eager to share their points of view and opinions.

Believing in the Body Positive Movement means believing that you have a positive attitude toward your own body regardless of weight, height, and appearance. However, some believe that the Body Positive Movement encourages obesity by accepting all body types, which is false.

Forbes published an article featuring Stephanie Viada and Veronica Sams, two women who have worked in the modeling industry and are now strong proponents of the Body Positive Movement. Stephanie believes body positivity is, “...doing what feels best physically and mentally - not depriving yourself or forcing yourself to change or participate in anything that could be detrimental to your health and wellbeing based on outside forces and opinions.” Veronica adds, “Body positivity means not comparing myself to others, but celebrating our differences.”

As the media has started to step back from showcasing what was once thought of as the “ideal woman” or the “ideal man,” the Body Positive Movement has helped many people embrace their bodies.

How is Plastic Surgery a Body Positive Option?
While it might seem like body positivity is all about loving and accepting your body in its natural state, Dr. Katzen believes it is more about loving and accepting your body regardless of plastic surgery or cosmetic enhancement treatments.

Plastic surgery is a body positive choice, and no one should ever feel ashamed for undergoing body-enhancing procedures. You should not feel like you cannot celebrate your body because you have had a Brazilian butt lift or Liposuction. Your body is beautiful with or without plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery aims to improve your self-image, but there are other ways to achieve that goal. Dr. Katzen will help you decide if plastic surgery is right for you.

Plastic Surgery May Help Build Your Confidence
Dr. Katzen has many patients who have gone to great lengths to improve their body positivity. For example, many of his patients have lost a massive amount of weight either through diet and exercise or by having weight loss surgery. Unfortunately, as a result, those patients may have loose skin that causes them to feel uncomfortable in their bodies.

In addition, Dr. Katzen has patients who come to him after pregnancy because their bodies did not “bounce back” after giving birth like they thought they would. For these patients, having a tummy tuck, breast lift, or even a complete Mommy Makeover may significantly improve how they feel about themselves.

These patients long to feel positive about their bodies, and plastic surgery gives them that opportunity. For patients who are good candidates for plastic surgery, it can be life-changing and lead to powerful improvements in their self-confidence. However, Dr. Katzen also supports and encourages body positivity before plastic surgery procedures as well.

Is Having Plastic Surgery the Answer to Better Self-Image?
Some plastic surgery procedures may seem like “quick fixes” for changing one’s appearance. However, they are not the key to body positivity or fostering a better self-image. Many of Dr. Katzen’s patients have much deeper issues about body image that will not go away through plastic surgery alone.

Dr. Katzen understands that every patient has unique needs and reasons for seeking plastic surgery. Therefore, the first time he meets with a patient, Dr. Katzen talks with them about their thoughts and reasons behind the procedures they are requesting.

Many patients are nervous that their results may diminish. Dr. Katzen informs those patients about how to keep their results as long as possible, and if repeat procedures are needed, patients receive proper instructions.

Patients experiencing severe body image issues may be recommended for counseling, which can help tremendously. However, just having plastic surgery will not make those issues disappear, and Dr. Katzen is committed to offering his patients the support they need for a positive body image.

It is possible to be body confident and unashamed about having plastic surgery simultaneously. However, if this concerns you and you are considering having plastic surgery, Dr. Katzen is happy to answer any questions you may have.
Contact Body by Katzen About Body Positive Plastic Surgery
Many of Dr. Katzen’s patients believe that choosing to have plastic surgery was the most body positive decision they could have made. Dr. Katzen aims to give you the information and support you need to make healthy decisions about plastic surgery procedures.

Currently, Body by Katzen is scheduling initial consultations for patients interested in various plastic surgery procedures. In-person appointments are available at any of our three offices in Beverly Hills, California, Las Vegas, Nevada, and Dubai, UAE. In addition, if you prefer a virtual appointment, Dr. Katzen will meet with you on Zoom, FaceTime, WhatsApp, or Skype.

If you are ready to make body positive changes and would like to make an appointment to discuss your options for plastic surgery procedures with Dr. Katzen, please call (310) 859-7770 today.

Live Interview with Dr.Katzen and Plus Size Model & Influencer @Iashpee

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.