How Long Until I Can Exercise After Lower Body Lift Surgery?
Recovery is not something most people look forward to after cosmetic surgery, but it is a necessary and essential part of the process for ensuring proper healing and a beautiful outcome. When it comes to a procedure as transformative as a lower body lift surgery, patients should be prepared for a fairly extensive recovery period. While extended downtime may not sound like much fun, the results will absolutely be worth the wait!
plastic surgeon and acclaimed Beverly Hills after weight loss transformation expert Dr. J. Timothy Katzen, understands the desire to return to your favorite activities quickly after plastic surgery and is dedicated to helping patients enjoy the most efficient, comfortable, and complete lower body lift recovery possible. Learn more about what you can expect after lower body lift surgery with the renowned team at J. Timothy Katzen, M.D. Beverly Hills, including when you may be able to resume your normal exercise routine.
What does a lower body lift do?
Also known as a 360 circumferential lower body lift or belt lipectomy, the lower body lift is an incredibly transformative body contouring procedure designed to sculpt a smoother, trimmer, more natural-looking physique through excess skin removal and skin tightening. Sometimes, liposuction is performed in conjunction with a lower body lift surgery to remove stubborn fat bulges and further enhance a patient’s results. One of the most common reasons for lower body lift surgery is to improve or reverse the unwanted side effects of extreme weight loss, though it can also be beneficial for women who are looking to restore their pre-pregnancy figure and/or patients who have experienced the adverse consequences of aging. Problem areas that are frequently addressed with a lower body lift in Beverly Hills include:
- Abdomen
- Hips
- Flanks
- Lower back
- Upper outer thigh
- Buttocks
How long is the 360 lower body lift recovery?
Patients considering lower body lift surgery should understand that the procedure is highly invasive and extensive, often taking up to 6-8 hours to complete. Immediately following surgery, patients typically spend at least 1 – 2 nights in the hospital or surgical facility for close observation. Once released into the care of a loved one or trusted friend, patients will continue the remainder of their recovery at home. During the first several weeks after a 360 lower body lift, patients can expect the following:
- Fatigue
- Pain or discomfort
- Limited mobility
- Swelling
- Bruising
- The use of drains and/or compressive garments
- Tightness
- Stiffness
Generally speaking, it can take up to 3 – 4 weeks before patients are able to return to desk work. For men and women with more physically demanding jobs, work may be off-limits for a longer period of time. While the majority of lower body lift swelling and bruising should resolve within 3 – 6 weeks, the final cosmetic outcome can take up to 6 – 12 months to develop. In addition, the patient’s strength, mobility, and flexibility can also take 6 – 12 months to fully regenerate.
How long do I have to wait before exercising after lower body lift surgery?
Patients considering lower body lift surgery should understand that the procedure involves a lengthy incision and markedly invasive and extensive techniques. For these reasons, lower body lift recovery is often longer and more involved than other plastic surgery recoveries. Light walking can typically be resumed after about 2 – 3 weeks, though patients may still not have full range of motion or strength at that time.
Over the course of your Beverly Hills lower body lift recovery period, Dr. Katzen will closely monitor your healing progress and help determine when it may be safe and appropriate for you to resume certain activities. On average, it often takes patients up to 4 – 6 months or longer to resume jogging, running, weightlifting, and other fitness routines. Undertaking these exercises too soon after lower body lift surgery can result in a number of complications and unwanted side effects, including:
- Excessive swelling
- Prolonged pain or discomfort
- Bleeding
- Prolonged bruising
- Pulling out sutures
- Tissue/muscle damage
- Poor cosmetic outcome
- Need for a revision procedure
- Incisions opening
- Scars spreading
While it may be tempting to get back into the gym as soon as you start feeling more like yourself, it is imperative that you allow your body plenty of time to rest and recover after lower body lift surgery in order to ensure complete healing and the most aesthetically pleasing result possible.
Complete your weight loss transformation or restore your pre-baby body with 360 lower body lift surgery in Beverly Hills, CA
If you are struggling with hanging skin after weight loss, pregnancy, or aging, you may be an ideal candidate for lower body lift surgery. To learn more about the compelling benefits of 360 circumferential lower body lift with internationally recognized plastic surgeon and body contouring expert Dr. Timothy Katzen, call the knowledgeable team at J. Timothy Katzen, M.D. Beverly Hills to schedule your private in-office or virtual consultation today.
Call TODAY to schedule a consultation. For your convenience, Dr. Katzen has offices in Beverly Hills, CA, Las Vegas, NV, and Dubai. Physical or virtual consultations can be arranged. Virtual consultation options include FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, and WhatsApp. Call TODAY at (310) 859 - 7770 to schedule your FREE consultation to achieve the body of your dreams.