How Long Until You See Results From Arm Lift Surgery?

By: Dr. J. Timothy Katzen


If you have achieved extreme weight loss, chances are you have stretched sagging skin. Even men and women who have maintained reasonably consistent weight over the years may still develop loose, excess skin simply due to the aging process. This can undoubtedly be a frustrating problem and often keeps people from feeling comfortable and confident in their own skin. plastic surgeon and internationally renowned skin removal expert Dr. Timothy Katzen, along with the exceptional team at J. Timothy Katzen, M.D. Beverly Hills, are proud to help patients achieve the final stage in their weight loss transformation and enjoy the results of all of their hard work. Learn more about one of the most popular and beneficial after weight loss procedures, arm lift, including how long it may take for your results to develop.

What is arm lift surgery?

Formally known as brachioplasty, an arm lift is a cosmetic skin removal surgery designed to permanently remove excess skin from the upper arms and sculpt a more natural, appealing, sleek arm shape. Most often, arm lift surgery is performed on patients who have lost a great deal of weight and are left with sagging skin. In some cases, patients develop loose skin due to time, age, gravity, or genetics.

How does brachioplasty work?

Arm lift surgery requires general anesthesia and the surgery lasts about 3 – 4 hours. Most arm lifts are performed as an outpatient procedure. However, when the arm lift is combined with additional skin removal or body contouring procedures, patients may need to stay in the hospital or surgical facility for overnight monitoring. During the arm lift procedure, Dr. Katzen will make an incision on the upper arm from the elbow to the armpit. The excess skin will be removed and the remaining skin will be pulled tightly over the arm and secured with sutures for a smooth, sleek, gorgeous new arm shape. For patients with stubborn fat deposits in the arms, Dr. Katzen may also utilize arm liposuction to further enhance the final results.

How long is arm lift recovery?

The details of brachioplasty recovery can vary from patient to patient, depending on whether any additional procedures were performed, how much skin was removed, the patient’s overall health, and other factors. Generally speaking, arm lift recovery is not a lengthy process. However, patients should have realistic expectations for their postoperative period. In the first several days, patients will have some level of arm swelling, discomfort, and bruising. These symptoms can be relieved with prescription medications and other recommendations from Dr. Katzen. In many cases, suture removal will take place about ten days after surgery. Usually, patients can return to light desk work within 10 – 14 days. Strenuous physical activity, including exercise and lifting, will be off-limits for at least 4 – 6 weeks after arm lift surgery.

Because we use our arms for such a large number of everyday tasks, it is essential to be aware of your movements and limit the use of your arms during the early recovery period. However, light walking is encouraged to maintain healthy blood circulation. The arms will need to be elevated frequently during recovery. Patients will need to wear compressive medical garments for several weeks to promote proper healing and reduce swelling.

When will I see results after brachioplasty?

Patients should notice an immediate improvement in the shape of their arms following Beverly Hills brachioplasty skin removal. However, it can take several weeks for the postoperative swelling to resolve enough for patients to really begin to see how their newly sculpted arms will look. After about six weeks, most of the arm swelling should subside, and the arm results will improve over the next several months as the tightened arm skin continues to heal and settle. Try not to get discouraged if you aren’t fully satisfied with your results after the first few weeks. Remember that in many cases, final arm lift results can take up to 6 months to develop.

How long does it take arm lift scars to fade?

Dr. Katzen takes great care to place his incisions where they can be concealed within the body’s natural contours as much as possible. While the vast majority of patients agree that their slim new arm shape is well worth the presence of a scar, Dr. Katzen fully understands the desire to minimize visible scarring as much as possible. Following your arm lift surgery, Dr. Katzen and his team will give you comprehensive instructions for incision and scar care, including avoiding sun exposure and using specialized topical ointments to promote proper healing and arm scar fading. While each patient’s body and skin are different, most men and women will notice that their arm lift scars have faded significantly after about 12 months.

Am I the right candidate for arm lift surgery in Beverly Hills, CA?

Men and women considering brachioplasty should be:

  • Healthy

  • Nonsmokers

  • Be at a healthy, stable weight for at least six months

  • Have good skin elasticity

  • Have realistic expectations for their results

  • Have excess arm skin, or “bat wings”

Call TODAY to schedule a consultation. For your convenience, Dr. Katzen has offices in Beverly Hills, CA, Las Vegas, NV, and Dubai. Physical or virtual consultations can be arranged. Virtual consultation options include FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, and WhatsApp. Call TODAY at (310) 859 - 7770 to schedule your FREE consultation to achieve the arms of your dreams.


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.