How Visible Will the Scars Be From a Medial Thigh Lift?

By: Dr. J. Timothy Katzen


After weight loss, many people become embarrassed about their excess skin. This insecurity prevents individuals from enjoying everyday activities or wearing their favorite clothing. Thigh reduction or thighplasty surgery is quickly becoming a popular procedure for those who don’t like the appearance of hanging thigh skin. At J. Timothy Katzen, M.D. Beverly Hills, we offer thigh lift surgery to remove extra tissue and skin to reveal firmer, younger-looking legs.

Extra skin on the thighs is not just a cosmetic issue unfortunately, skin folds are an ideal environment for rashes and other skin problems to develop. Although keeping the area clean and dry may help, it is not a permanent solution for patients. Instead, allow plastic surgeon Dr. J. Timothy Katzen to offer surgical solutions through a medial thigh lift. Learn more about this procedure by reaching out to a member of our team for a consultation in Beverly Hills, CA.

Who should get a medial thigh lift?

Patients considering thigh lift surgery should know that it is not a means to lose additional weight. This is a procedure for individuals who are close to their ideal weight, but are not happy with the appearance of their inner or (medial) thighs. During your consultation with Dr. Katzen, we will examine the area and ask questions about your weight loss journey to see if you are a candidate for a medial thigh lift. Patients should be nonsmokers who are committed to a healthy lifestyle and maintaining their new weight. They must also be able to follow postoperative care instructions.

Usually, a thighplasty is performed on men and women who have lost 100 pounds or more and have a moderate to severe amount of hanging inner thigh skin. It is also an option for patients with mild cases of excess skin due to natural aging or pregnancy. A thigh lift should be able to address the entire thigh: the inner, outer, front and back of the thigh. Please keep in mind that if cellulite if your main issue, Dr. Katzen may suggest less invasive alternative treatments for smoother-looking legs.

What happens during a medial thigh lift?

During a thigh reduction or thighplasty, Dr. Katzen’s anesthesiologist will administer general anesthesia. There are several different types of thigh reduction procedures. During your consultation, you and Dr. Katzen will choose which reduction technique is best for your thigh. In a crescent or spiral thigh reduction, an incision is made high in the groin and under the buttock. In a vertical medial thigh lift, an incision is made from the groin to the knee. In both cases, thigh liposuction is usually preformed. The thigh reduction should takes about 4 – 5 hours to complete. Patients spend two or more nights in a recovery center for observation before patients are sent home to begin recovery.

How should I handle recovery?

It is important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Katzen. You may need assistance with daily activities during the first few days of recovery. Taking short walks is encouraged to promote healthy circulation during healing. You can expect some discomfort and swelling that can be alleviated with prescribed medications. Full recovery from a medial thigh lift takes about 4 - 6 weeks. Although some results may be evident right away, the full results should become apparent once the swelling has resolved. We may ask you to attend follow-up appointments at the office in Beverly Hills, CA to monitor your progress.

What about medial thigh lift scars?

Many people are concerned about medial thigh lift scars as a result of their surgery, but there is no need to worry. Dr. Katzen will provide scar care instructions so that your scars will heal flat and evenly. Although you can expect scarring, patients generally say their final contoured results are worth the scars. Pregnancy or changes in weight may interfere with your thighplasty results, so our team can offer advice on how to make the outcome last. If you continue to follow a healthy lifestyle with a proper diet and exercise, you should be able to enjoy the results of your thigh reduction for years to come.

Schedule your thighplasty in Beverly Hills

If you have excess skin on your thighs that cause frustration or anxiety, we invite you to schedule an appointment at J. Timothy Katzen, M.D. Beverly Hills. A medial thigh lift is one of the best ways to complete your weight loss journey and attain the slimmer appearance you desire. Dr. J. Timothy Katzen is highly skilled in eliminating moderate to severe amounts of loose thigh skin and stubborn pockets of thigh fat. Learn more about medial thigh lift scars and more in Beverly Hills, CA.




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