Injectable Silicone Risks
This 49-year-old female came to Dr. Katzen to remove silicone injections from her buttocks. Similar to many patients, she was experiencing pain, brain fog, and skin changes. The only way to fix these problems is to remove the silicone. Prior to the surgery, Dr. Katzen had his patient obtain an MRI, where he learned that the silicone was injected into the muscle. Dr. Katzen performed the posterior buttock lift for silicone injection removal where he removed silicone from the muscles and contaminated tissue. He dissected her buttocks to ensure her best chance of a silicone-free life. These post-operative photos were taken only two weeks after her surgery. This patient is expected to make a full recovery within 4-6 weeks after the surgery. If you have silicone injections, the only option is to have the injections removed. This patient is now an advocate for victims of silicone injections.
Remember, "check before you inject."