Is Vaser Liposuction Worth it?


If you're on the fence about whether or not Vaser liposuction is the right choice for you, then read this to help you decide if it's worth it.

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Have you struggled with losing that stubborn fat that just won't budge--even with diet and exercise? Every year, an estimated 16 million cosmetic procedures are performed in the United States. Liposuction has consistently topped the list of most popular procedures, but long recovery periods and invasive surgery have kept some from seeking out liposuction treatment. That's where Vaser liposuction comes in. This treatment uses new technology and techniques to provide a safer, more effective alternative to traditional liposuction. Vaser liposuction is tough enough to tackle areas of with substantial fat, but also gentle enough to treat more delicate areas like the arms and neck. This procedure is minimally invasive, targeting only the fat while protecting other tissues from any damage. It's clinically proven to give you great results--leaving your skin smooth and your body perfectly contoured. What exactly does the procedure entail? Is getting Vaser liposuction worth it? If you're still on the fence about getting the treatment, we're here to help. Read on to learn more about the treatment process, benefits, and potential risks.

How Does Vaser Liposuction Work?

Jumping into a body contouring procedure can seem a little overwhelming at first, and you might have a lot of questions about the procedure. What's the process? Will it be painful? How long is the recovery? Let's break down how it works: First, your doctor will give you local or general anesthesia to numb the body, and then wait up to 30 minutes for it to take effect. The area is then filled with a special saline solution in order to shrink the blood vessels. This can help minimize any blood loss and bruising. Next, the doctor will make a few very small incisions and insert a long skinny instrument and guide it gently back and forth beneath your skin. This probe uses ultrasound waves to break down or liquefy the fat cells, which are then removed from the body through a suction process. Depending on the treatment, the surgery could take up to 5 or 6 hours, although most require significantly less time. When the procedure is complete, the area will be wrapped in a tight cloth for about 36 hours. Patients are able to return home immediately after the procedure is over. During the recovery period, patients will need to wait between 7 and 16 days to completely recover and be back on their feet. Bruising, bleeding, or swelling may result from the treatment, although they will typically subside in several weeks. You may start seeing results right after the procedure is completed, although full results generally unfold over the span of several months. Vaser liposuction does the following for your body:

  • removes large amounts of white fat
  • shapes and contours the body
  • smooths and tightens skin even on delicate areas
  • refines and sculpts the muscles

It's important to have realistic expectations about the procedure. Be honest with your physician about your goals, and be sure to keep in mind that this is a body contouring procedure--it won't help you lose significant weight. Although it's effective against large bodies of fat, this treatment is designed for a candidate who is looking to tighten their body and lose a little extra fat. Here are some of the areas of the body that Vaser liposuction can treat:

  • Thighs, calves, and ankles
  • Hips and buttocks
  • Upper arms
  • Inner knee
  • Neck, cheeks, and chin
  • Back
  • Chest area
  • Abdomen and waist

It's important to consult with your physician before taking the first step towards Vaser liposuction. You can talk through your expectations and they can give an expert opinion on the improvements you're looking for. Based on the amount of fat being removed and the treatment area(s), your physician can give you an idea of what to expect. You can also view some of the before and after photos from previous patients who have undergone similar treatments so you can get an idea of what potential results might look like. After the procedure is finished and you've fully recovered, you can enjoy the amazing results--and the confidence that comes with it.

Is Vaser Liposuction Worth It?

Now that we've covered some of the basics, let's run through a few things about Vaser liposuction you should know. It's important to know the benefits--and risks--before taking the step towards a body contouring procedure. Here's a list of what makes this treatment unique.

1) It's a step up from traditional methods

Vaser liposuction is an advanced body contouring procedure that provides an alternative to traditional methods. VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance--which means that the procedure uses a small probe that resonates at a high ultrasound frequency in order to remove the fat cells. It's similar to the standard liposuction procedure in that instruments are used to remove fat from specific areas of the body. But with Vaser, the procedure is much less invasive and the instruments are smaller. This lowers the risk of damaging tissue and organs during the procedure and reduces the chance of severe side effects. This technology takes liposuction to another level--one that doesn't disrupt tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. The procedure is ultimately faster, less invasive, and speeds recovery time.

2) It's relatively simple

Compared to other plastic surgery procedures, this treatment involves very few side effects and can be completed with less time and stress. In most cases, you can get a Vaser liposuction treatment at your doctor's office instead of going to the hospital. It's also performed with local or general anesthesia, so you won't have to worry about excessive anesthesia costs. In addition, being awake during the procedure makes the whole process easier for both you and the doctor. The process is relatively quick--patients often see results almost immediately after the procedure, although full results aren't expected for several weeks or months.

3) It allows for an easier recovery

One of the most crucial differences between Vaser and surgical liposuction is the recovery time. Although results will take a few weeks, patients can usually resume normal activities in just a few days time. Bruising, swelling, and pain are minimal compared to traditional liposuction, and you can be back on your feet and fully recovered without any trouble. Some risks are involved, including the chance of skin or tissue being burned by the ultrasound probe or skin not responding to the fat loss and appearing dimpled or saggy. There is also a possibility of skin discoloration after the procedure, as well as the slight chance of bacterial infection from the incision points during the procedure. But known risks associated with this procedure are extremely minimal, and most patients experience very few side effects or symptoms. If you're looking for a low-risk alternative to liposuction, Vaser liposuction is a great option.

4) It's made for precision

One important thing to remember about Vaser liposuction is that it's not a weight loss procedure. Using this treatment as a means of quick weight loss won't work in the long terms. Patients who do so are much more likely to regain the weight over time than patients who are at a stable, healthy weight to begin with. Rather than removing bulk fat, the procedure eliminates excess fat--both deep and superficial--in order to let the muscle underneath shine through. Vaser liposuction can create chiseled abs, sculpted muscles, a slender waist, and more. The process is designed to sculpt and contour the body--eliminating excess fat that can be hard to remove through just diet and exercise.

5) It improves the appearance of your skin

With traditional liposuction, there's a higher risk of skin becoming uneven after fat removal. After the fat is removed, the skin shrinks, resulting in a smoother look. Not only are your muscles more contoured, but the skin appears tighter and more natural. Furthermore, the small incisions mean that the chance of scarring is minimal. Take care to follow all your physician's instructions to ensure that your skin heals quickly and comes out unblemished.

Final Thoughts

Diet and exercise can be frustrating, time-consuming, and they don't always work for everybody. If you want to reshape your body and get rid of that stubborn fat that just won't go away, Vaser liposuction might be right for you. Like all plastic surgery procedures--it's not without any risks. But compared to other techniques, this is the safest and most reliable option. With this procedure, you can be sure that unwanted side effects will likely be minimal. If you'd like to get the slim figure of your dreams, then this procedure is definitely worth considering. Vase liposuction is a gentle yet effective alternative to standard liposuction techniques, and it can bring you one step closer to your perfect body. Have more questions about the procedure? Want to get started towards treatment? Contact us here to schedule an appointment.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.