What You Should Know About Lip Augmentation
Pucker up! Getting the plump, fuller lips you have always wanted is easier than you think. Lip augmentation with fillers or implants gives your lips a youthful, fuller look. There are many options when choosing lip augmentation. Lip augmentation options include fat transfer, insertion of the dermis, or injection of collagen, Radiesse®, Juvederm®, Perlane®, or Hydrelle, to name just a few. The main problem with all the options just mentioned is that they are temporary. That means with time, they will fade away and become absorbed. If you are tired of spending a lot of money on temporary fillers and want a permanent solution, you may want to consider the PermaLip™. The PermaLip™ implant is a small, soft, flexible, cigar-shaped silicone implant specifically designed for the upper and the lower lips. The PermaLip™ is FDA-approved.
Since there are so many options, choosing the best way to augment your lip will be a personal decision. You need to decide which option would best suit your lifestyle. During your consultation with Dr. Katzen, you and he will decide what option is best for you. Beverly Hills celebrity plastic surgeon Dr. Timothy Katzen has years of experience with lip augmentation.
Using “off-the-shelf” lip fillers
One method of lip augmentation is using off-the-shelf fillers like Radiesse®, Juvederm®, or Perlane®. Each filler has its unique benefits and downsides. Overall, the beauty and distinct advantage of off-the-shelf lip fillers is that they are readily available and there is almost an unlimited supply, in terms of volume. Also, lip fillers are quite easily injected without local anesthetic. Another advantage of lip fillers is that they do not require a donor site like fat transfer or skin transfer, described below. The downside of off-the-shelf fillers for the lip augmentation is that none of the fillers are permanent. Over time, all these fillers are absorbed and fade away. Since all these fillers dissolve, another downside to the off-the-shelf lip fillers is the constant expense for upkeep. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwm_GzGJ5O4[/embed]
Using your own tissue
Transferring fat or dermis from one part of the body to your lips is another option. During fat transfer, fat is usually taken from around the belly button. Then, this fat is purified and injected into the upper and lower lips. Another option involves removing a small area of skin. The small strip of skin can be harvested from a scar, like a C-section scar. The epidermis is removed and a dermal layer is left intact. Then, the dermis is rolled like a very small cigar and inserted into the upper and lower lips. The transferred fat or skin restores lip volume and gives you a more natural look and feel. The benefits of this type of lip augmentation is that this technique uses all your own natural tissues. Also, fat and dermal tissue usually last longer than off-the-shelf lip fillers. The downside is that the fat or dermal procedures are more involved and it is more invasive than the off-the-shelf fillers.
Permament lip augmentation with PermaLip™
The PermaLip™ is a permanent solution to lip augmentation. PermaLip™ lip augmentation is performed in the office and is an outpatient procedure. Before the PermaLip™ implants are inserted, Dr. Katzen will numb your lips with local anesthesia. After the local anesthesia has completely numbed your lips, Dr. Katzen will make a tiny incision in each corner of the lips. Then, Dr. Katzen will carefully dissect his way to the other side of the lip. This creates a tunnel for the PermaLip™ implant. Then, the lip implants are gently inserted through the tiny incisions in the corner of the mouth. Symmetry is checked and any imperfections are corrected. Then, the incisions are closed with two or three tiny sutures. These sutures are absorbable and usually fall out five to seven days after the procedure. Right after your PermaLip™ lip augmentation procedure, your lips will be swollen and numb. The numbness may take several hours to disappear. Swelling may take five to seven days to completely resolve. The PermaLip™ lip implant procedure should take about an hour. For more information, please take a look at the infogram below. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8jmKMUNeB8[/embed] So, if you are considering lip fillers or lip augmentation, call Dr. Katzen. Dr. Katzen is an experienced, plastic surgeon with many years of performing PermaLip™ lip augmentations. Dr. Katzen has two offices conveniently located in Beverly Hills, California and Las Vegas, Nevada. If you have any questions regarding lip augmentation or plastic surgery, please call Dr. Katzen’s office today at (310) 859-7770.