Maintain Beautiful Skin with Chemical Peels
Are you bothered or embarrassed by the appearance of your skin because of problems like scars due to acne, trauma, fine lines, wrinkles, crow's feet, brown spots, age spots or poor skin texture? If so, we warmly invite you to learn about chemical peels, which have the potential to improve the appearance and health of your skin significantly.
How Do Chemical Peels Work?
Although there are different types of peels and ingredients, all chemical peels work in the same way. They affect your skin to varying degrees and depths to force your body to create new skin and rejuvenate the treated area. After a chemical peel, your skin will respond by depositing fresh collagen and elastin into the area that was treated by the peel. In short, old and damaged skin is replaced by new, more youthful, fresh skin.
Different Types of Chemical Peels
A light or superficial chemical peel is the gentlest form of chemical peel treatment you can receive. It is effective at minimizing certain types of scars, rough skin texture, fine lines, and wrinkles. You should notice a brighter skin tone as well. Superficial peels only penetrate into the epidermis or outer skin layer. Immediately or relatively quickly following their treatment, most patients can resume their daily activities. Some minor redness is expected and can be easily covered by makeup. Superficial chemical peels include alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), beta hydroxy acid (BHA), and the Jessner's chemical peel. The most common AHA chemical peel is glycolic acid. The most common BHA is salicylic acid. Jessner's peel is a combination of lactic acid, salicylic acid, and resorcinol. Other types of chemical peels are deeper and include a medium depth peel and a deep depth peel. As you can imagine, these chemical peels are designed to treat deeper issues, such as deep wrinkles, sun-damaged skin, and even pre-cancerous growths. Medium and deep chemical peels involve more significant side effects than superficial peels. You may need to wait longer for any redness and post-treatment discomfort to resolve. A medium depth peel takes about one week to heal. A deep depth chemical peel takes about one month to heal. Once your skin has healed, the results can be truly remarkable. Medium depth peels use trichloracetic acid (TCA). Deep depth chemical peels use a higher concentration of TCA or a chemical called phenol. Whether you are considering a superficial, medium, or deep depth chemical peel, all these chemical peels can be performed in one of Dr. Katzen's offices.
Talk to Our Skin Care Expert
If you are seeking to achieve or maintain beautiful, glowing skin, a chemical peel at the office of J. Timothy Katzen, MD may benefit you. Schedule an appointment at our office in Las Vegas or Beverly Hills for more information. We proudly serve men and women in the Summerlin South, Spring Valley, Paradise, Henderson, Winchester, West Hollywood, Santa Monica, Marina Del Ray, Los Angeles and surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about chemical peels!