Neck Liposuction: Your Selfie Chin Solution

By: Dr. J. Timothy Katzen


A slender, slim neck is considered a sign of beauty. So, when you lose that neck and fats deposits accumulate in and your neck and face become one, you stop feeling beautiful about yourself.

You spent fortunes on massages and creams, try all-famous neck exercises to achieve that flattering, chiseled profile, but to no avail. However, there is one approach that promises a graceful and slender neck. Neck liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that serves to refine your overall appearance. Through this procedure, people can achieve that ageless, beautiful neckline that they desire.


The facial feature that gives the most obvious indication of body weight is the fullness of your neck. For some people, this fullness is inconsistently present in the neck, indicating that they are overweight even when they are not. In fact, for mildly obese people, neck fullness is disproportionate with their neck, affecting their overall appearance.

As you age, your neck skin becomes less elastic creating more neck sagging. Additionally you begin to deposit fat in your neck. Dr. Timothy Katzen performs neck liposuction to remove the excess neck fat and to tighten sagging neck skin and sculpt a defined and graceful neck.


Neck liposuction is a surgical procedure targeting the removal of fat deposits from around the neck and under the chin.

Dr. Timothy Katzen performs neck liposuction under general anesthesia. At the beginning of the operation, Dr. Timothy Katzen will make a small incision under your chin and behind each earlobe. These incisions heal with time and leave virtually no scar.

Once the incisions are precisely made, Dr. Katzen starts your neck liposuction. First, Dr. Katzen will inject tumescent fluid through the incisions. The tumescent fluid is used for loosening the accumulated fatty tissues; it also has lidocaine, an anesthesia, that comforts the patient during and after the procedure. Also, this fluid contains epinephrine, which virtually helps constrict the blood vessels and reduce bleeding during the surgery.

After the fluid has taken effect, Dr. Katzen will insert a small cannula under your earlobe through one of the incisions. Dr. Katzen will move the cannula following the contours of your neck and targets fat for permanent removal. Depending on your condition, Dr. Katezn will use different types of cannulas for removing fat.

When your treatment is completed, you will be sent home for recovery. It will take a few days for recovery, but the healing process might take up to several weeks. Most patients heal after a few weeks and can resume their social activities. However, collagen healing varies from patient to patient and takes approximately one year for complete healing.


Neck liposuction patients are required to wear a special medical compression bandage for the first two weeks. This bandage helps in reducing swelling, alleviates pain, and accelerates the healing process. Proper rest and adequate diet are also necessary to improve the healing process. Include vitamins, minerals, proteins in your diet to help in your recovery process. Avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for four to six weeks.

You will have a follow up appointment after one or two weeks to remove your sutures. Dr. Katzen will guide you on the measures you need to take to prevent bruising and swelling and improve the healing process.


To be an ideal candidate for neck liposuction, you must be in good health. Neck liposuction specifically ideal for candidates with excellent neck skin elasticity and localized neck fat deposit. Neck liposuction significantly helps in improving the fullness of your neck and sculpting your neck along the contours.

For most patients, the procedure enhances their overall appearance when it is performed as a standalone process. Their neck looks refined, lending a youthfully graceful and slimmer facial profile.


A slim neck is a sign of graceful youthfulness and ageless beauty. Improved neck and refinement of your neck can be highly desirable. Neck liposuction promises to add more youthful years while sculpting the beauty of your appearance.

If you want to rejuvenate your look and set your age a few years back, then schedule your appointment with Body with Katzen. Our plastic surgeon, Dr. Timothy Katzen, is one of the most renowned and well-respected plastic surgeons , and Beverly Hill, CA areas. He comes with vast experience and expertise in aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries, making him the ideal surgeon for neck liposuction.

Call today to schedule your free neck liposuction consultation. For your convenience, Dr. Katzen has offices in Beverly Hills, CA, Las Vegas,NV, and Dubai. Physical or virtual consultations through skype, facetime, zoom and whatsapp can be arranged. Call 310-859- 7770 today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.