Priority Surgeries After Massive Weight Loss
If you have recently lost a massive amount of weight either from bariatric surgery or diet and exercise, that is a significant achievement. However, you may wonder about having reconstructive plastic surgery to contour your body following this extreme weight loss.
Which surgeries should be a priority? Which procedures should you consider? Those are great questions, and Dr. Katzen and his plastic surgery team will tailor their answers according to your individual needs. This article offers guidance to help you understand your surgical options.
What Surgeries are a Priority Following Extreme Weight Loss?
You might be surprised to hear this: the priority surgeries for you after losing weight depend on what bothers you the most. For example, most patients experience loose and sagging skin following massive weight loss. After weight loss, different body parts lose fat differently. Therefore, every patient’s anatomy, weight loss journey, and area of concern are different.
Dr. Katzen and his team will talk with you about what you view as your “problem areas.” Then, they will design a plastic surgery treatment plan to address those areas and help you reach your goals.
What is Post-Bariatric Plastic Surgery?
Post-bariatric plastic surgery is any surgical procedure that corrects changes in the body following weight loss surgery. Some examples of post-bariatric plastic surgery include:
- Arm lift (Brachioplasty, Arm reduction)
- Forearm lift
- Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty, Panniculectomy)
- 360 Circumferential lower body lift
- Breast lift (Mastopexy)
- Breast reduction
- Breast augmentation
- Thigh lift (Thighplasty)
- Buttock lift (Posterior body lift)
- Buttock augmentation (Brazilian butt lift, Propellar FHP, Buttock implants)
- Face lift
- Neck lift (Neck liposuction)
There are many benefits to having bariatric plastic surgery, such as feeling more confident in your appearance and finding that your clothes fit better.
Also, research shows that 50% of weight loss surgery patients regain some of their lost weight in about two years. However, having bariatric plastic surgery increases the likelihood of keeping the weight off permanently.
Combination Bariatric Plastic Surgery Options
If you are considering bariatric plastic surgery, you may want to combine procedures for convenience. Dr. Katzen will offer you his recommendations for after weight loss surgery based on your preferences. The ability to combine surgical procedures depends in part on your anatomy, the length of the surgical procedure, and your chosen plastic surgeon’s level of comfort. However, the most important factor to consider when deciding to combine procedures is your medical health. Dr. Katzen and your primary care physician will help to determine if your procedures can be combined. There are several procedures that may be performed at the same time.
Breasts and Tummy
Many of Dr. Katzen’s patients request post-bariatric plastic surgery for their breasts and stomach first, especially women. When abdominal and breast surgery are combined, the procedure is called a Mommy Makeover. During your consultation, Dr. Katzen will discuss what you can expect.
A tummy tuck will remove excess skin and fat, correct abdominal muscle separation, and strengthen your core for a more toned appearance.
Depending on your needs, Dr. Katzen may recommend a breast lift, reduction, or augmentation. Every patient is different regarding how their breasts change following massive weight loss. Dr. Katzen will perform a complete physical and discuss with you about which type of breast surgery is recommended.
Lower Body Lift and Thigh Lift/ReductionLower Body Lift and Thigh Lift/Reduction
Many of Dr. Katzen’s patients choose a combination of the 360 Circumferential lower body lift and a thigh lift/reduction after losing a lot of weight.
The 360 Circumferential lower body lift focuses on the mid and lower body. A lower body lift includes the lower back, buttocks, abdomen, flanks, and upper thighs. Dr. Katzen and his plastic surgery team use a 360-degree incision to completely and permanently remove excess skin and fat from the tummy, hips, and buttocks. The lower body lift results in a more toned and contoured body.
A thigh/lift reduction will remove any unwanted, excess skin and result in smoother thighs. If you have lost 100 pounds or more, you may want to consider a thigh lift or Thighplasty. During a thigh lift/reduction, Dr. Katzen will remove excess thigh skin. There are five different thigh lifts. During your consultation, Dr. Katzen and you will discuss which thigh lift/reduction procedure is best for you. The two most popular thigh lifts are the crescent and the longitudinal, vertical, medial thigh lift. During the crescent thigh lift, a crescent area of upper thigh skin and fat is removed. The scar is hidden in the upper thigh crease. During the longitudinal, vertical, medial thigh lift, an incision is made from the groin to the inner knee. A large eclipse of inner thigh skin and fat is removed. The incision is placed in the inseam of your thigh. When your thighs are together, this scar is concealed and camouflaged from plain sight. If needed, liposuction will be used to remove excess fat.
Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) and Upper Body Lift (Bra-strap Plasty, Bra-Plasty, Torsoplasty)Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) and Upper Body Lift (Bra-strap Plasty, Bra-Plasty, Torsoplasty)
Massive weight loss may result in hanging skin on the arms or “bat wings.” Patients who are bothered by this issue can choose to have an arm lift performed to remove that excess skin.
Some patients may consider having an upper body lift, which includes an arm lift, breast lift, upper back lift, and liposuction. If this interests you, Dr. Katzen will offer his recommendations based on your needs and preferences.
A Word of Caution About Combining Post-Bariatric Plastic Surgeries
Many patients who achieve massive weight loss want reconstructive plastic surgery to achieve the body of their dreams. Many patients ask about combining upper and lower body procedures.
Performing more than one procedure at a time is beneficial because patients only need to be put under anesthesia once. Combining plastic surgery procedures saves patients time and money.
Dr. Katzen and his team always consider your recovery when scheduling combined surgeries. However, when two drastically different areas of the body undergo surgery simultaneously, this could negatively impact your recovery. For that reason, Dr. Katzen does not recommend performing arm and leg procedures or upper and lower body lift procedures simultaneously.
If you have several surgeries in mind, Dr. Katzen will talk with you about a long-term treatment plan that will result in a healthy recovery and excellent results. Your well-being is Dr. Katzen’s primary focus.
Potential combined surgeries include:
- Tummy tuck and breast lift/reduction/augmentation
- Tummy tuck and arm lift/reduction
- Breast lift/reduction/augmentation, arm lift, and torsoplasty, bra-strap plasty, braplasty (upper body lift)
- Tummy tuck and face lift/neck lift/neck liposuction
- Tummy tuck and torsoplasty (back lift)
- Tummy tuck and thigh lift/reduction (thighplasty)
- Tummy tuck and buttock lift/reduction/augmentation (BBL) (360 Circumferential lower body lift)
- Tummy tuck, buttock lift/reduction/augmentation and thigh lift (thighplasty)
- Arm lift/reduction and breast lift/reduction/augmentation
- Arm lift/reduction and torsoplasty
- Arm lift/reduction and face lift/neck lift
- Breast lift/reduction/augmentation and torsoplasty
- Breast lift/reduction/augmentation and face lift/ neck lift
- Torsoplasty (bra-strap plasty) and face lift/neck lift
- Torsoplasty and thighplasty (thigh lift/reduction)

Contact Body by Katzen to Schedule Your Post-Bariatric Plastic Surgery Consultation
Body by Katzen specializes in post-bariatric plastic surgery for patients who have undergone massive weight loss. You have achieved something that so many people wish they could - losing excess weight. The right plastic surgery procedures will not only allow you to see how much your body has physically changed, but may also help you keep the weight off permanently.
Dr. Katzen and his team will provide you with specific treatment plan recommendations based on your needs and goals. Currently, Body by Katzen is scheduling consultations for patients who are interested in after weight loss reconstructive plastic surgery. Dr. Katzen has offices in Beverly Hills, California, , and Dubai UAE. In-office and virtual appointments are available through WhatsApp, FaceTime, Skype, and Zoom.
Please call Body by Katzen at (310) 859-7770 to schedule your appointment.
Check out this video on the 360 Body Lift surgery on a patient after Massive Weight Loss!