Raise Your Bust with a Breast Lift


For some people, their self-image and confidence are derived from how they feel about their bodies. When aging, weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding or genetics leave a woman with low, drooping breasts, she may feel self-conscious. No matter how much she exercises or diets, she may feel that she doesn’t have an attractive figure. No matter what clothes she wears or whatever bra she wears, she may not feel comfortable and may feel very self-conscious about the shape of her breasts. For other women, looks don’t factor into their dissatisfaction at all. The sheer breast size causes the main problem. It’s the low, swinging weight of the pendulous breasts pulling on their spine and causing back and shoulder pain that is their primary complaint. No matter what your reasons for considering a breast surgery, a breast lift can make many positive changes in your life.

Higher Confidence and Self-Esteem

Whether it’s a case of wearing too-large, frumpy clothes to work to hide their breasts or feeling timid in the bedroom, having low, sagging breasts can profoundly affect a woman’s career, social life, and intimate relationships. Some women don’t like wearing swimsuits or work uniforms that hug their figure, while others may feel uncomfortable going for a bra or dress fitting for their wedding. While some women can shrug off these negative feelings about their breasts, others take them to heart and are hampered by insecurity and disgust at their figure and their breasts. A breast lift allows women the opportunity to exercise control over their bodies, gain confidence, and nurture their self-esteem.

Easier and Cheaper Clothing Selection

Some women with large, sagging breasts pay a premium for “foundation garments” to support their busts while also paying tailor’s fees to lower the bust darts in jackets and blouses. Some women give up on structured clothing entirely and are left with billowing clothes that can make them look older, heavier or both. After a breast lift, the general fit of clothing and the position of the bust darts will be fine right off the rack. A breast lift can make shopping for clothes a quick, easy and less expensive task.

A Reduction or End to Back Pain

Sometimes it’s not the size or weight of the breasts that are the issue with back pain; it’s the position of that weight on the chest wall. If a woman’s breasts are sagging low on her ribs, this weight throws off the muscles in the lower back and can pull her forward. The resulting bad posture can also cause pain in the shoulders, especially if the woman is wearing tight and restrictive bras to compensate. A breast lift places the weight up where it belongs, alleviating the problem. No longer needing pain medication and being unafraid to pick items up from the floor will make major changes in the life of anyone with moderate to severe back pain due to enlarged breasts.

Learn More About a Breast Lift

Deciding to have a breast lift is a big decision. If you have questions or would like to see if you are a candidate for a breast lift, please call to book an appointment at the office of Dr. J. Timothy Katzen. Dr. Katzen has offices in Las Vegas and Beverly Hills. Dr. Katzen and his team are committed to helping you with your cosmetic and practical goals. Contact us today to request a consultation for a breast lift.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.