Remove Excess Skin After Weight Loss with a Medial Thigh Lift


If you have lost a significant amount of weight, you should be applauded. It took a lot of determination and effort on your part. And while you may be enjoying many benefits from your weight loss, you likely have excess skin that is dragging you down. If this hanging and sagging skin is on your inner thighs, a medial thigh lift may be a great option for you. Medial thigh lift surgery is performed to enhance the appearance of your thighs by removing excess thigh fat and sagging thigh skin. The goal is to make your thighs a more proportionate shape.

Benefits of a Medial Thigh Lift A medial thigh lift can help you achieve the thighs that you have probably been dreaming about during your entire weight loss process. After your medial thigh lift, hopefully, you will feel comfortable wearing shorts and swimwear. Excess thigh fat will be removed, and skin will be tightened on the inner and outer thighs. The shape and contour of your thighs will be improved dramatically. Individuals who have excess skin on their inner thighs sometimes experience rashes or skin infections because of the excess skin rubbing together. Once the hanging skin in between the thighs is removed, ideally there will be no more chaffing and rubbing and this decrease the risk of rashes and infections.

How the Medial Thigh Lift Is Performed The basic medial thigh lift procedure involves making incisions on the inner part of the thigh or near the groin. Liposuction and surgical excision are used to remove excess inner thigh fat. Excess skin will be removed from the inner thighs. The remaining skin will be pulled tight and sewn back together. The exact details of the medial thigh lift, however, will depend on the type of thigh lift you need to get the best results. Basically, there are seven types of thigh lifts: crescent, vertical, modified vertical, T, modified T, spiral and the lateral thigh lift. During a crescent thigh lift, an incision is made in the groin.

This follows the bottom of the bikini line. The upper, inner thigh is pulled upward. A crescent area of upper, inner thigh skin and fat is removed. During a vertical thigh lift, liposuction is performed and an inner thigh incision is made from the groin to the knee. The inner thigh is pulled together in a vertical fashion like closing the curtains (not pulling the blind down, though). An elliptical area of medial or inner thigh skin and fat is removed. During a modified vertical thigh lift, the incision does not go completely to the knee. Only the upper, inner thigh is involved. This is ideal for patients who have "normal" knees. The "T" thigh lift combines the crescent thigh and the vertical thigh lift. During the "T" thigh lift, a "T" shaped area of inner thigh skin is removed. The final scar is also in the shape of the letter "T". The "modified T" thigh lift combines the crescent thigh lift with the modified vertical thigh lift. During the spiral thigh lift, the buttocks are involved. During a lateral thigh lift, an incision is made on the outer (not inner) thigh and extends from the top of the hip to the outer knee. An elliptical area of outer thigh skin is removed. You are invited to schedule a consultation to meet with Dr. J. Timothy Katzen. Dr. Katzen will discuss your inner thigh goals and your expectations of your thigh lift surgery. He will look at your overall health and examine your thighs. Then a plan will be drawn up on how to remove excess fat and skin from your thighs. Dr. Katzen will also give you instructions on how to prepare for your thigh lift surgery.

The Recovery Process When you have a medial thigh lift performed, you will be under general anesthesia. You will need to take some time off to recover after the surgery. Most individuals need about three to four weeks to recover and get back to normal activities. If you are interested in learning more about the medial thigh lift procedure by Dr. Katzen, please contact him today to schedule your consultation!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.