Tips for Before Going Under the Knife for Fat Transfer Liposuction for Breasts
Things You Need to Know Before Going Under the Knife for Fat Transfer Liposuction for Breasts
Do you want to enhance the overall appearance of your breasts but are afraid of breast implant rejection? If so, let us tell you that breast implants are not the only option for enhancing breast shape. Fat transfer liposuction is another excellent technique to create an attractive bust.
Many patients turn to plastic surgery offices to enhance their breast shape. Most patients undergo the insertion of breast implants to enhance their breasts.?Though rare, this can result in implant rejection and other complex issues.
Because of fear of implants and implant rejection, leak infection, and associated “sickness,” many patients opt for a safer breast enlargement method. The safer option is called Autologous Fat Transfer (AFT) to breasts.
This article will explain everything you need to know about this method, including the recovery time and other crucial information. So first, let's get to know why the fat transfer is a good option.
Why is Autologous Fat Transfer to the Breast a Good Option?
Fat transfer breast augmentation is a safe and effective method to enhance breast shape. This treatment includes taking fat from one part of the body and injecting it into the breasts. The injected fat becomes incorporated into your breast tissues and becomes a part of them.
This means that you don't have to worry about implant rejection or other complications associated with implants. In fact, it is so safe that many people who underwent this procedure are now breastfeeding their babies. It is also an excellent option for people who have lost their breasts (mastectomy) in an accident or due to cancer.
In these cases, fat transfer breast augmentation may be an ideal option for you because it doesn't involve implant rejection. There are different fat donor sites where fat can be harvested. For example, you can take fat from your abdomen, arms, back, or thighs and inject it into your breasts.
In most cases, the fat transfer results are excellent. The best part is that this treatment requires very small incisions (between the size of a grain of rice and a pencil eraser). This means minimal scarring, and you can quickly return to your daily routine.
- An excellent way to reduce fat
- Requires small incisions
- No implant-association risks
- Provides a natural look to the body
- A very small percentage of the fat reabsorbs
- A very common complication is fat necrosis, where the fat cell dies.
Autologous Fat Transfer Vs. Silicone Breast Implants
Even though the synthetic, man-made silicone breast implants are permanent, the biological breast tissue around the implants ages, degrades, and changes as you age. You might have to go under the knife to update or re-position your silicone implants.? Fat transferred to the breasts is natural and biological because it's your own tissue. Since transferred fat is biological, the transferred fat can age and change as surrounding breast tissue.
Autologous Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation (AFT)
How Long Is Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation? Surgery?
Autologous Fat Transfer breast augmentation is a breast enlargement procedure. Your own fat is inserted into your breast to enhance its appearance. On average, the procedure takes about 1 or 2 hours to complete. The Autologous fat transfer (AFT) procedure may last longer depending on the number of areas that require liposuction.
What Type of Anesthesia is Administered for AFT to Breasts? Surgery?
Plastic surgeons perform this procedure under general anesthesia. After surgery, most people report minimal pain as AFT doesn’t involve large incisions. Any mild discomfort or soreness can be treated with pain medications.
How Long Do I Have to Wear My Garments?
You can expect to wear a bra for the first 6-8 weeks after surgery. After that, you will need to wear a sports bra or support bra for another 2-3 months.
How Long it Takes to Recover from Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Surgery?
Breast augmentation recovery takes about one to two weeks. You may experience some mild discomfort and swelling at the surgery site. You should be able to return to activities of daily living in about 3-5 days. Moreover, you should be able to return to “light” gym activities at about two weeks and heavy gym activities at about 3-4 weeks.
When Can I Return to a Sitting Job After the Surgery?
Most plastic surgeons recommend that patients can return to sitting or light-duty work within a week after surgery. However, it is crucial to speak with your plastic surgeon about your individual circumstances. AFT breast augmentation recovery?period can vary in terms of symptoms and many other things.
When Can I Return to a Very Active Job?
Breast augmentation recovery can take around 2-3 weeks to recover fully. Two weeks is the recommended time to return to a very active job or work after a breast augmentation. However, it is better to have sound advice from your plastic surgeon as the time it takes for swelling to dissipate and scars to heal varies for each patient.
When is All the Swelling Gone After AFT to the Breast?
The swelling after AFT breast augmentation surgery should gradually disappear over 6-8 weeks after surgery. However, if you have any persistent swelling, contact your plastic surgeon.
How Long Will I Have Pain?
Generally, most patients will experience mild pain after AFT breast augmentation surgery. Almost all pain is gone within 1 or 2 weeks. For the first few days after surgery, you may experience swelling of your breasts, arms, and shoulders. You can alleviate this swelling by taking anti-inflammatories.
Most patients will also experience some tenderness around their incisions. Here, your plastic surgeon will prescribe you over-the-counter medications and antibiotics to minimize the discomfort and avoid infections.
Where are the Incisions for Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Surgery?
The incision for breast augmentation surgery is made under each breast (in the infra-mammary fold) or just in the armpit (axillae). Your plastic surgeon will use these incisions to inject fat carefully.
These incisions are as small as a grain of rice, heal very well, and are camouflaged by the overlying breast.
Are There Drains Involved in the Surgery?
Drains remove excess fluid or blood that may accumulate after the surgery. In the case of fat transfer breast augmentation, minimal fluid accumulation exists. Therefore, no drains are involved in a fat transfer liposuction surgery.
When Can I Start to Exercise?
You can start to exercise 1 week after the surgery. However, it is essential to consult your plastic surgeon to determine the best exercise program.
To remain on the safe side, you should avoid any type of strenuous activity until the incisions have healed. Exercising in moderation will not affect the shape of your breasts.
When Can I Have Intercourse?
Patients can have intercourse 1-2 weeks after fat transfer liposuction breast surgery. This period might be a bit longer if the patient feels sore or nauseated due to medications.
Avoiding intercourse for a while can help reduce the risk of complications like bleeding due to elevated blood pressure, which can occur during sex.
Do I Need to Massage After the Surgery?
Plastic surgeons have advised not to massage the breasts after fat transfer liposuction surgery. There is a good reason behind avoiding doing so. If you massage breasts after the fat transfer, you will dislodge the newly transferred fats.
Fat transferred to your breasts needs time to develop blood vessels. Massage can disrupt those vessels. Moisturizing or applying an ointment is not an issue; however, massage is discouraged.
Do I Need to Wear Special Garments?
You will be asked to wear special garments after AFT to breasts. Your plastic surgeon might advise you to wear a compression garment or sports bra for some time, like 4 to 6 weeks. Compression garments accelerate healing by minimizing edema or swelling and assist in stopping residual bleeding.
When Can I Put Scar Cream on the Scar?
You can put scar cream on the scar after breast augmentation surgery after about 4-6 weeks. Once the scar is no longer red and irritated, you can apply the scar cream as often as you like. To have better results, follow this treatment for at least 12 months.
Bottom Line
Are you scared of breast implants but still want breast augmentation? Do you have unwanted pockets of fat and disproportionally small breasts? Then AFT or autologous fat transfer to the breast can be the best option for you.
If you are considering having a fat transfer liposuction breast augmentation, it would be helpful to have all the information and details to make the decision. Make sure you choose an experienced, competent plastic surgeon to minimize complications.
if you are unsatisfied with your flat or deflated breast and have not been able to achieve your desired curves through diet and exercise alone, you may be a candidate for fat transfer to your breast surgery. Schedule your private consultation with Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. J. Timothy Katzen to learn more about this exciting and transformative procedure.
Call to schedule a consultation. In addition, physical or virtual consultation can be arranged. Virtual consultation options include FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, and WhatsApp. Call 310-859-7770 to schedule your consultation and get the breasts of your dreams.
This patient is 31 years old and desired a small breast augmentation but did not want breast implants. Dr. Katzen performed fat transfer to the breasts in Beverly Hills to augment this patient's breasts without an implant. Dr. Katzen performed liposuction of her love handles, thighs, and knees to harvest the fat for transfer to her breasts. She is pleased with her results.

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