Top 5 Characteristics to Determine if You are a Candidate for Body Lift Surgery

By: Dr. J. Timothy Katzen


"Those who have lost a significant amount of weight, struggling with excess hanging skin, and physically healthy without any serious medical conditions are good candidates for a body lift!"

• Are you concerned with the post-weight loss excess hanging skin?
• After weight loss, do you have excess fat, skin, and tissue?
• Are you healthy and have no medical history of severe illness or disease?
• Are you a nonsmoker and positive outlook towards your body lift surgery?

Body lift surgery is one of the most dramatic of all plastic surgeries. Because of this effective plastic surgery procedure, you should only consider experienced, plastic surgeons with considerable experience performing the body lift. Body lifts surgery in Beverly Hills, CA, Las Vegas, NV, and Dubai, UAE has become prevalent. This increase in body lift procedures is partly due to so many people losing weight and the boom in the medical tourism industry. The USA provides excellent plastic surgery services and facilities. In Beverly Hills, CA, Dr. Katzen uses the best anesthesiologists, surgical instruments, state-of-the-art technologies, and accredited plastic surgery operating rooms.
Dr. J. Timothy Katzen performs the 360 circumferential body lift surgery as one of his trademark procedures. Dr. J. Timothy Katzen, an internationally renowned plastic surgeon, is acclaimed for his trademark 360 circumferential body lift. Dr. Katzen has successfully treated thousands of patients across the globe with the 360 circumferential lower body lift.

What is the Body Lift Surgery?

A body lift procedure improves the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports fat and skin. After significant weight loss or bariatric surgery, most patients are left with enormous skin laxity of the breast, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. A body lift surgery is recommended as a contour option to create a more aesthetic shape, size, and tone for your body.
Dr. J. Timothy Katzen performs his trademark 360 lower body lift technique to focus on the mid and lower body. The procedure corrects defects of the abdomen, flanks, love handles, buttocks, lower back, and upper thighs. Typically, a body lift incision is placed where a belt is worn. The body lift is also known as a beltectomy or belt lipectomy. Excess skin and fatty tissue are removed circumferentially from the entire waistline during a 360 circumferential lower body lift. The 360 circumferential lower body lift surgery requires the outstanding skills of an experienced, plastic and reconstructive plastic surgeon.

Are you the right candidate for body lift surgery: Top 5 characteristics to know your candidacy:

1. Patients must be healthy and have had massive weight loss.
The best candidate for body lift surgery is physically healthy. Patients should not have a medical history of severe illness or disease. Patients who have had massive weight loss, primarily due to bariatric weight loss surgery, are much healthier after their weight loss. However, weight loss patients are often left with enormous skin laxity. Therefore, body lift surgery is recommended to address excess sagging skin and fat.

2. Patients must be nonsmokers.
Patients are required to quit smoking for three months before and after a body lift. The patient must be nonsmokers to undergo body lift surgery. Smoking cigarettes, vaping, hookah, or consuming alcohol can hinder your healing process and may compromise your results. Therefore, it is recommended to stop smoking three months pre-and post-body lift surgery.

3. Patients must be committed to leading a healthy lifestyle.
One must maintain a healthy lifestyle following a nutritious diet and exercise. A healthy lifestyle always helps achieve a faster healing process and optimal outcomes. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle is required to undergo a lower body lift procedure.

4. The patient must have realistic expectations and a positive outlook.
Patients must have realistic goals for what a body lift surgery can accomplish. Patients must accept the limits of the body lift surgery and their unique anatomy. A positive outlook makes a person motivated and optimistic about the final results, which helps achieve the best results.

5. Patients must follow instructions.
It is essential to follow your plastic surgeon's instructions during the healing process. Each plastic surgeon has special body lift instructions, so trust them genuinely. Do not search the internet for answers to your post-op body lift questions. Instead, call your plastic surgeon. They are experienced. Post-operatively, issues such as nutrition, medication, and wound management will be essential to discuss with your plastic surgeon. It is critical to understand why and how to follow their instructions.


Overall, the lower body lift surgery requires a plastic surgeon's extreme aesthetic sense and surgical precision. Therefore, it is essential to schedule a one-on-one consultation with an expert, plastic surgeon is always recommended. Understanding your concerns and suggesting a particular surgical technique is all about training, surgical knowledge, and the experience of your chosen plastic surgeon. Choosing the best plastic surgeon with the most body lift experience is quintessential. Therefore, you should thoroughly research your plastic surgeon and determine if you are a suitable candidate to receive a body lift.

Call TODAY to schedule a consultation. For your convenience, Dr. Katzen has offices in Beverly Hills, CA, Las Vegas, NV, and Dubai, UAE. In addition, physical or virtual consultations can be arranged. Virtual consultation options include FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, and WhatsApp. Call TODAY at (310) 859-7770 or email [email protected] to schedule your consultation and achieve your dream lower body.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.