What Are the Different Types of Thigh Lift?


Thigh lifts can be incredibly beneficial to an array of different people with different goals in mind. Check out the types of thigh lift you can get here!

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More than 90% of women are unhappy with their bodies. Many turn to dieting and exercising in an attempt to lose weight and develop better relationships with their bodies. However, this doesn't always work. Sometimes, dieting just isn't enough to remove stubborn fat. Even when it is, it can result in large amounts of unsightly sagging skin around the thighs. This can leave women with even further body image issues. The only way to remove this skin is to undergo thigh lift surgery. There are several types of thigh-trimming surgeries available. In this article, we'll guide you through the differences between each one.

Options for Thigh Lift Surgery

The type of surgery you need will depend on your body type and the results you're looking for. Read on to choose the best option for you.

Mini Thigh Lift

A mini thigh lift is used to reduce sagging in the upper part of the inner thigh. instead of tightening the entire thigh, only the small portion of the upper third of the thigh is worked on. It's used for patients who don't have a particularly large amount of excess fat or skin, but just want to trim the area down. Patients should have a BMI of less than 30 to be eligible. In order to perform this surgery, a small incision is made in the groin area. This will be used to perform liposuction, after which excess skin will be removed. The surgery results in a smaller, smoother appearance, with minimal bumps and dents. Since this is the most minimal type of cosmetic thigh surgery available, recovery time is kept to a minimum. The procedure only takes around two hours to complete, and patients can usually begin light exercise within two weeks.

Inner/Medial Thigh Lift

A medial thigh lift is performed on the inner part of the upper thigh. Typical patients for this treatment struggle to get rid of fat in this area through diet and exercise alone. Some patients also seek an inner thigh lift as a way to remove excess skin after weight loss. The skin around the upper thigh may start to lose elasticity and become saggy if a large amount of weight has been lost, especially if weight loss occurred very quickly. It also occurs simply due to the process of aging. No matter the reason for a thigh lift, it can help to significantly trim the fat and skin around the upper thigh. This can result in a boost in confidence and self-image, as well as increased comfort in daily life. To carry out this procedure, a surgeon begins by making an incision in the crease where the thigh meets the pubic area. This incision is strategically placed in the groin area in order to help reduce visible scarring. The incision will start at the top of the pubic area, close to the hip bone. From there, it will follow the natural crease of your body, stretching around to the back of the buttock. After the incisions have been made a large amount of skin and fat is removed. This may or may not involve liposuction, depending on the wishes of the patient. After that, the thigh is lifted by stitching the skin back in a higher and tighter position than it was before. The scar will sit in the crease of the groin, resulting in a subtle appearance. Next to the mini thigh lift, this is the most discreet type of thighplasty available. Scarring is kept to a minimum, but excellent results can still be achieved.

Vertical ThighLift

A vertical thigh lift is used for patients who have excess skin extending all the way around the thigh. While an inner thigh lift focuses on the upper area, this kind of thigh lift treats the middle and lower sections of the thigh, too. Since this procedure treats a larger area of the body, it requires a larger incision. Instead of a small incision, an ellipse-shaped area of the skin is cut and removed. This area begins at the upper inner thigh and stretches down to the inner area of the knee. Due to the shape of this incision, this surgery is sometimes also referred to as a 'crescent lift'. In this case, more significant and noticeable scarring is left behind. While the scars from an inner thigh lift will be kept hidden under most underwear, these scars are more obvious. These scars won't be visible when legs are closed. However, when they're opened and the inner thighs are exposed, large, T-shaped scars will be able to be seen. As this procedure is more extensive, it's only recommended for patients who have very large amounts of excess skin to remove.

Outer/Lateral Thigh Lift

An outer thigh lift removes skin and fat from the outside of the thigh. This can include excess weight that has accumulated in the waist and buttock area. During this type of thigh lift, an incision is made around the waist. In this way, it's similar to a general lower body lift. Liposuction is used to remove the fat around the side of the thighs and buttocks. Then, the excess tissue is brought up and secured at the hip bone. This contours the body and leaves a tighter, smoother surface free from ripples or dimples. The length of the incision also leaves significant scarring. However, it is generally concealed by most underwear and bathing suits. Plus, most patients are happy to live with the scarring in exchange for the results they achieve. If you're looking for a bigger improvement and are willing to deal with the resulting scarring at the expense of that, it's a fair trade-off.

Posterior Thigh Lift

This type of thighplasty targets the area at the back of the thighs, as well as the buttocks. For many patients, these areas can accumulate large amounts of cellulite. This causes the skin to become dimpled as well as saggy. For patients who want to tone up this area and achieve a smoother, firmer posterior, this procedure is ideal. The type of incisions used in this case will generally depend on the patient's body shape, as each person's unique anatomy and requirements will be different.

Spiral Thigh Lift

A spiral thigh lift is the newest type of thigh lift available. This is is the only procedure that targets the entire thigh. It treats areas at the front, back and sides, as well as up and down the length of the thigh. As a result, it's sometimes referred to as a 'total thigh lift' or a '360? lift'. As well as trimming, smoothing and shaping the thighs, it also improves the contour of the buttock area at the same time. In order to remove this excess tissue, long incisions are made. One is made from the groin area down to the inner knee, while another is made from the groin to the hip bone. This also stretches around the waist to meet the incision from the other leg at the top of the buttock area. The results of this surgery are dramatic. Since much more tissue is removed, the lower body is given a complete lift. The inner thighs, outer thighs, waist and buttocks will all be smaller, smoother, and much tighter than they were before the procedure. Recovery time for this procedure can also be longer than with other types of thigh lift. More stitching is required, and patients will have to return to their doctor for follow-up appointments to make sure that healing is going according to plan. In between appointments, the area must be kept clean in order to avoid infection. Anti-inflammatory medication is given in order to reduce swelling and pain, too.

Find the Right Surgeon for You

A thigh lift procedure can provide a huge boost of self-esteem, giving you a newfound sense of confidence. Instead of hiding your thighs under frumpy clothing, you can show off your legs with confidence. You can also go shopping for clothes you never would have dreamed of wearing before. Skirts, dresses, shorts, and bikinis can become new staples in your wardrobe. The quality of the results you get will depend on which surgeon you choose. If you go under the knife, it has to be with someone you trust. It's important to choose someone who has a wealth of experience and a track record or great results, as well as an understanding of the results you want to achieve. For more information, see our post on how to choose a plastic surgeon in Las Vegas.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.