When Can I Go Back To Work After A 360 Lower Body Lift?
Anytime you undergo a surgical procedure, it is essential to understand what to expect during the recovery plan and plan accordingly. As the saying goes, “be prepared.” You should line up help around the house, arrange for childcare, and stock your fridge with healthy protein drinks, snacks, and drinks. Also, you should carefully the length of time off you will need from work after your lower body lift. To ensure an ideal outcome and minimize the risk of complications, it is essential that you allow yourself ample time to heal, rest, and recover. While keeping up with your job responsibilities is undoubtedly a priority, you must rest after surgery. The details of any recovery period will depend on individual patient factors, and what procedures are performed.
One of Dr. Katzen’s most in-demand plastic surgeries in Beverly Hills, CA, is his signature 360 circumferential lower body lift. plastic surgeon, and weight loss surgery specialist Dr. J. Timothy Katzen is proud to offer this profoundly transformative procedure to help patients achieve the ultimate step in their weight loss journey. The 360 circumferential lower body lift can allow you to finally enjoy all your hard weight loss work. Because the 360 lower body lift is such an extensive procedure, making post-operative preparations is a critical part of the process. Dr. J. Timothy Katzen, M.D. Beverly Hills, and his caring team have written this article to understand better what to expect after 360 lower body lift surgery. This blog includes how long you should schedule time off work.
How does the 360 circumferential lower body lift work?
The 360 circumferential lower body lift surgery is an extensive and complex surgical procedure designed to dramatically transform your physique through excess skin and fat removal and muscle plication. During the 360 lower body lift surgery in Beverly Hills, CA, Dr. Katzen will make an incision that follows the beltline. The incision extends 360 degrees or circumferentially entirely around your body. A circumferential incision allows for the maximum access and most compelling results, making the 360 circumferential body lift the best approach in most cases. Once the incision has been made, Dr. Katzen will skillfully permanently remove loose abdominal, hip, and buttock skin and fat. Once all the excess is removed, Dr. Katzen will close all the incisions with multiple layers of sutures to create a “new” more taut, slim, natural-looking figure. The main areas that are enhanced with a 360 circumferential lower body lift surgery include:
Lower back
Upper outer thighs
What to expect after a 360 circumferential lower body lift surgery
You should have realistic expectations for the post-operative period. You should know that the 360 lower body lift is a particularly extensive and invasive procedure. Most patients require at least a two-night stay to be monitored following the lower body lift surgery. If, after two nights and everything is stable, you can be released into the care of a trusted friend or partner to begin your recovery at home. During the first several weeks following the lower body lift, bruising, swelling, and pain are normal. Dr. Katzen will provide recommendations, medications, and compression garments to help relieve discomfort, promote healing, and reduce swelling. After your lower body lift, your mobility will be limited. When you are ready, you will be ambulated slowly with assistance. However, be careful not to overdo it. Pushing your physical limits too early can be dangerous and potentially compromise your results.
If you have household responsibilities and children, you will need to arrange for assistance for several weeks following your lower body lift surgery. Having a caretaker or helper will be essential. You will be unable to drive while taking narcotic pain medication. Lifting, bending, climbing stairs, and other activities will be strictly off-limits. Lower body lift patients must get plenty of rest and allow their bodies to heal correctly and completely.
How long is 360 circumferential lower body lift recovery time?
Recovery periods vary from person to person. However, most Beverly Hills, CA lower body lift patients begin feeling more like themselves after 2 – 3 weeks and can resume light activities after about 4 – 6 weeks. More strenuous physical activity, including exercise, should be paused until cleared by Dr. Katzen. Immediately after your lower body lift, you will notice a dramatic difference in your figure. As your swelling subsides and your scars begin to fade, your final results will start to take shape.
How long do I need to take off work for a 360 circumferential lower body lift surgery?
Depending on your job's physical demands, you will likely need to plan to take off at least 2 – 3 weeks of work following your 360 circumferential lower body lift surgery. If you have a desk job or work remotely from home, you may be able to return to work about 2-3 weeks after your 360 circumferential lower body lift. If your work is more physical than a desk job, you may need 3-4 weeks off work.
Am I a good candidate for a 360 circumferential lower body lift in Beverly Hills, CA?
To be considered for Dr. Katzen’s life-changing 360 circumferential lower body lift surgery, men and women should:
Be healthy
Be nonsmokers
Be at a stable weight after weight loss, pregnancy, or aging
Have loose, hanging excess skin on the lower body
Have realistic expectations for results and recovery
Be able to take at least 2 – 3 weeks off of work after surgery
To learn more about how the 360 circumferential lower body lift surgery can complete your transformation and help you finally feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin, call the friendly team at J. Timothy Katzen, M.D. Beverly Hills to schedule your one-on-one consultation with renowned after weight loss surgery specialist and plastic surgeon Dr. Timothy Katzen. Don’t wait any longer to get the body you’ve been dreaming of; call us today!
Physical or virtual consultations can be arranged. Virtual consultation options include FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, and WhatsApp. Don’t wait any longer!! Call TODAY at (310) 859 - 7770 to schedule your FREE consultation to achieve the body of your dreams!