You Can Feel Comfortable Again In A Bikini After A Tummy Tuck

By: Dr. J. Timothy Katzen


For many women, just the thought of wearing a bikini is frightening. This is often true for women who have experienced the unwanted side effects of weight loss, aging, or pregnancy, such as loose skin and stubborn fat. If you’re self-conscious about getting back into your favorite swimsuit or showing off your body at the beach, the expert team at J. Timothy Katzen, M.D. Beverly Hills can help. Join the many patients who have regained their confidence and restored a firmer, smoother, more youthful-looking figure with Beverly Hills tummy tuck surgery by renowned, plastic surgeon Dr. J. Timothy Katzen.

What is a tummy tuck?

Formally referred to as abdominoplasty surgery, a tummy tuck is one of the most popular and in-demand body contouring procedures across the country year after year. In many cases, tummy tuck surgery is used to reverse the side effects of pregnancy and childbirth, though it can also be tremendously beneficial for patients looking to permanently remove loose, hanging skin after weight loss or remove stubborn fat in the midsection.

The tummy tuck is performed using general anesthesia and involves an incision along the lower abdomen. Through this incision, Dr. Katzen is able to tighten the abdominal muscles, remove fat, excise loose abdominal skin, and more.

Do I need a tummy tuck?

While tummy tuck surgery is extremely popular among women who are hoping to restore their pre-baby body, an abdominoplasty can also address a wide variety of concerns unrelated to pregnancy. If you are frustrated by any of the following issues, you may benefit from a tummy tuck in Beverly Hills:

  • Loose, hanging abdominal skin after weight loss
  • Loose, wrinkled lower tummy skin after pregnancy
  • Pooch or pouch in lower abdomen
  • Muffin top
  • Diastasis recti (separated abdominal muscles)
  • Hernia
  • Low self-confidence due to a "big" abdomen

Patients considering tummy tuck surgery should meet the following criteria:

  • In good overall health
  • At a healthy, stable weight
  • Nonsmokers
  • Prepared for tummy tuck recovery period
  • Committed to maintaining a stable weight after tummy tuck surgery

Will my tummy tuck scar be visible in a swimsuit?

With a slim new figure, many tummy tuck patients are excited to once again feel confident in their bikini. Dr. Katzen understands the importance of keeping plastic surgery work discreet and takes great care to place tummy tuck incisions just above the pubic area, where scars can typically be fully concealed beneath underwear or swimwear. Based on the amount of excess abdominal skin that needs to be removed, Dr. Katzen may recommend one of the following types of tummy tucks:

  • Full low horizonal tummy tuck
  • Vertical tummy tuck
  • Fleur-de-lis tummy tuck
  • Extended tummy tuck
  • Mini tummy tuck
  • Full high lateral tension tummy tuck

Patients who undergo a mini tummy tuck can expect a much shorter scar than patients who require an extended tummy tuck. In both cases, however, Dr. Katzen strives to keep scarring to an absolute minimum. With proper tummy tuck aftercare and scar care, patients can encourage their scars to heal and fade, resulting in a smooth, stunning new look.

Can men get tummy tuck surgery?

Absolutely! Male tummy tuck surgery is often used to help men complete their weight loss transformation or reverse the unwanted side effects of aging for a firmer, slimmer, more masculine physique.

Feel sexier this summer than ever before with tummy tuck surgery in Beverly Hills, CA

Whether you want to look sizzling in your bikini or simply want to feel more like yourself again after having children, tummy tuck surgery may be right for you. To learn more about the exciting possibilities of Beverly Hills abdominoplasty, call the award-winning team at J. Timothy Katzen, M.D. Beverly Hills to schedule your private consultation or virtual appointment with internationally recognized, plastic surgeon Dr. J. Timothy Katzen today!

Call TODAY to schedule a consultation. Physical or virtual consultations can be arranged. Virtual consultation options include FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, and WhatsApp. Call TODAY at (310) 859 - 7770 to schedule your consultation to achieve the tummy of your dreams.


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.