Let's Get Started

Video Transcription

Dr. Katzen:

Today we're doing liposuction. We're going to take all that precious fat and then put it into the breasts. She wants a little bit of breast augmentation with as much fat as we can take out. We're going to do some liposuction of the abdomen, suprailiac crest or the love handles, taking out all that fat, cleaning the fat and then doing breast augmentation through a little tiny incision underneath the breast to give her more fullness of the breast.

Let's go to the operating room and I'll show you how we do it, Beverly Hills style.

Speaker 2:

It's the wrong day to do it. Just because-

Speaker 3:

And then they smirk, you see that smirk. [inaudible]

Dr. Katzen:

We did liposuction of the tummy and now it's just skin on muscle. All this fat's gone. We got about 2 liters of fat out, that's a pretty good amount from her tummy. Now I'm going to go ahead and attack the love handles from this area by turning her on her side, and we're going to get some more fat. We'll take all that wonderful fat and inject it into the breast.

It comes pretty much from her lateral breast, right down to her hip, really no shape. We really need to define the shape and carve out the waist line, give her more of an hourglass. We're going to put tumescent solution in and then we're going to liposuction and get rid of a lot of this fat. Then take that fat and put it in the breast.

You can see now I have a nice definition to her hips, here. She has indentation there, giving her a nice hourglass, where it goes from her chest down into her, top of the hip bone, and then out into the buttocks. We have a nice curvature here that wasn't there before, so nice hourglass shape. We're going to flip her over and do the other side.

What do you got, class? [inaudible]

Speaker 3:

Oh you're filming? Is it big enough, small, too big, or what do you want?

Dr. Katzen:

We've taken the fat from the tummy and the love handles, purified it, and this is pretty much pure fat. This is about 20 cc's and I put it on this fancy cannula. I make a small little incision underneath the breast, right there, and then I infiltrate the breast. Currently, she's about a small B and we want to get her out to maybe a full C, maybe even a D. She basically wanted me to use as much fat as we could harvest to augment her breasts as much as possible. She didn't want to go with implants.

We're just going to go ahead and infiltrate and seed the breast with this beautiful fat.

Speaker 3:

We're almost done. We're going to get to be [inaudible], right 11?

Dr. Katzen:

11. About to cross town traffic. We took about 4500 cc's of fat and tumescent solution from her abdomen and love handles, purified the fat, and I put about 500 cc's of her own fat into the breast. You can see a significant improvement of her breast, natural breast shape, all natural. It's her own fat, she's not going to reject it. I think she has a very good breast shape and we're not using any silicone, or silicone parts, or implants. This is all natural and she get a very good result.

We're going to go to this side. You can see this side's pretty small and then this side is a full C, borderline D. She started maybe a small C, maybe more like a B. We've increased her cup size by about two and that's what she wanted, so we can go to this side now. You can also see the benefit of the fat injections. Much like the Brazilian butt lift, where we inject fat to get a lift. The same thing with the breast, you inject fat, and you can see how this nipple is now raised up by at least, maybe, four centimeters.

Was down here, if you draw a line. You can see that the fat injected will bring the nipple and the breast up like that. If you measure this distance out, you get two, four, six, eight centimeters and over here, you've got about four centimeters. It's almost double the projection of the breast, exactly what we want.

Speaker 3:

No, we can't afford the restaurant.

Speaker 2:

Have fries and chips.

Speaker 3:

No, they're having, ready for this? They're having a taco truck in the park. That's the wedding I'm going to, and I go to my boyfriend, I go-

Dr. Katzen:

Can we put 500 cc's of pure fat, her own fat, into this breast. We have nice shaped breasts, nice and symmetrical, not too much cleavage, not too much overdone, nothing too much on the side, and basically it's her own tissue. She's now probably a full C or a D, and she started out with a B. All natural breasts, her own tissue, she won't reject anything. That's how we do this for your own breast fat from every artisan from the tummy and the sides.

She'll have nice results, cleavage. She'll wear a bra a couple weeks, while the swelling goes down, and go from there.