Let's Get Started

Video Transcription

Speaker 2:

Hello. So today we have a patient that is looking for liposuction to define her hourglass figure, and she wants to have a more defined waistline in here. So the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to do liposuction on her hips here, giving her more definition of her hip line, giving them more definition of that S or that K curve right in there. Also doing some liposuction on the outer hip in there, giving her a much better body shape, and that'll define really her curves in there. I'm also going to be doing some liposuction around her knees to sculpt out the fat around her knees. And then we're going to take all that precious fat and inject it into the breast. This patient adamantly did not want breast implants, so I think the best next option would be fat transfer to the breast.

So I'll make a tiny little incision about the size of a pencil eraser underneath the breast and inject all this precious fat into the breast for natural breast augmentation with your own fat. So let's go to the operating room, and I'll show you how we do it in Beverly Hills.

About to start the Vaser, V-A-S-E-R. It's an acronym for Vaser Assisted Sound Energy Resonance. Basically it's a fancy word for this probe, which emits energy along the sides and helps to melt the fat. You can see at the tip, there's no hole. It doesn't suction fat, so it emits sound energy, ultrasonic sound energy from the sides, which helps to melt the fat, heat the skin, and contract the skin. So I think it's one of the best devices out there. We have the BodyTites, we have the J-Plasma, but I really think that this works the best.

So now I'm going to use this thing called a MicroAire. That's the company. And the acronym is the PAL, like my friend, like a PAL. But P-A-L stands for Power-Assisted Liposuction. And power because the electricity goes through here and vibrates the shaft here and vibrates this tip. So the power amplifies the movement of the tip here and makes the liposuction much more effective. So in my experience handling, I think it leads to the best type of liposuction. So we're going to come in through here and now liposuction and remove this fat that we've just freed up with the Vaser.

So this lady is dissatisfied with the fat accumulation above her kneecap, right in here, going into her inner medial kneecap and just a little bit inferior to her kneecap, sort of this horseshoe distribution right in there. So she doesn't have a lot of excess skin. She hasn't lost a lot of weight, so the skin should snap back. She's fairly young too, so I'm just going to do liposuction here in this horseshoe region, getting rid of a lot of this excess fat.

So she has a brand new shape now. I did a lot of liposuction on here, the lower end of the rib cage, the superior iliac crest to the love handles and right above the upper hip. This is her hip bone sticking out, and then I also did some liposuction sort of in this lower buttock region, upper lateral hip and underneath her buttock to give her this brand new shape, sort of. It goes in here, comes out here like the letter K or an S-shaped curve. It goes in, then comes out, it pops down. So a much more curvy feminine shape. And now we're going to take all that wonderful fat. We took out about two liters from both sides. We're going to purify the fat, and then we're going to inject it into the breast.

A lot of plastic surgeons just take this that's in the bottle and mix in some antibiotics and then inject the whole thing into the breast. They may or may not decant or remove this part and they inject it. But there's a lot of impurities in this part of the fat. There's fat that's no good. There is other tissue that's involved. So this next step where we strain it and wash it with antibiotics gets rid of all those impurities. So we get a much higher yield in terms of percentage of fat that's retained. So a lot of other plastic surgeons will say, "Oh, you know, we only get maybe 50%, 65% retention of this fat." Well, if you do this next step where you purify the fat, make sure the fact that you're putting in is better, then you're going to get a better yield. Something like maybe about 85%. So we're going to wash the fat now with antibiotics and also run it through the strainer to get rid of the impurities.

So we're going to do fat transfer to the breast now. So this is the breast, and I find the inframammary fold right here. I draw a line from the nipple straight down. And right there is where I'm going to inject a little bit of local. I'm going to make [inaudible] a little incision, tiny incision. For the fat injection. We harvested about 450 Cc's of really good fat. So I divide the breasts into quadrants. So up in this quadrant I'm going to put about 60 Cc's. We're going to come over to the other side, make a small little incision, and you can see this natural breast result using her own fat or recycled fat.

So we've done breast augmentation with fat transfer. I took the fat from her hips and her knees and her outer hips, and we purified the fat and then transfer it to the breasts. So we have a nice natural breast shape, nothing fake, nothing artificial. This is all her natural tissue, and I think she has an excellent breast result. She'll retain most of this fat. You know, something like about 80%, 85% of this fat. Natural breast shape, nothing fake inside. All natural fat and breast tissue. Tiny little incision underneath the breast that'll heal very well. When the breast drops, that incision will be covered. And that's how I do fat transfer to the breast. And I think she has a very good shape, size in proportion to her breasts, and it's about the size of my hand.

All right, good. So I have her in a bra and a compression bra for about three to four weeks while the swelling goes down, and then she's good to go.