The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

By: Dr. J. Timothy Katzen



In the realm of cosmetic enhancement, the Brazilian Butt Lift stands out as a popular procedure, transforming body contours and elevating your curves. Gaining immense popularity in recent years, this procedure offers a unique blend of body sculpting and attracts those who seek a more voluptuous and shapely posterior. Removing fat from one area naturally enhances other areas. Unlike traditional lifts, BBL uses the patient's own fat to lift augment, and reshape the buttocks.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

The Brazilian Butt Lift is a form of fat transfer procedure aimed at lifting and augmenting the size of the buttocks, while improving the shape of the buttocks without the use of implants. Contrary to what the term "lift" might imply, this procedure does not involve an incision to lift the buttock. Instead, the BBL it enhances the butt by injecting the patient's fat harvested from other body parts. This approach offers the benefit of reducing fat in undesired areas and minimizes the risk of rejection, as the material used is the patient's tissue.

The Procedure

The BBL journey begins with liposuction. During a BBL, fat is extracted from targeted areas such as the abdomen, hips, lower back, or thighs. This step is as much about contouring these donor sites as it is about collecting fat for transfer. The harvested fat is purified to separate viable fat cells from other fluids. These purified fat cells are meticulously injected into the fatty layer of the buttocks at various depths and points to achieve a desirable, rounded contour.

Precision is key in this phase, as the placement and amount of fat injected determine the aesthetic outcome and the procedure's safety. The goal is to create a natural-looking enhancement that harmonizes with the patient's overall body shape.

Benefits of BBL

  • Natural Results: The most appealing aspect of a BBL is its ability to provide a more natural look and feel compared to synthetic buttock implants. The augmented buttocks integrate seamlessly with the body in appearance and touch by using the patient's fat.

  • Customizable Contouring: Unlike buttock implants, the BBL offers more flexibility to sculpt the buttocks to the desired shape and size. This customization also extends to the donor sites, as liposuction helps contour other body areas.

  • Improved Proportions: BBL can significantly enhance body proportions by redistributing body fat. This sculpting effect can make the waist smaller and the hips more pronounced, creating a classic hourglass figure.

  • Psychological Benefits: Often an enhanced body image can improve self-esteem and confidence. Many patients feel comfortable and confident in their clothing and overall appearance post-BBL.

Risks and Complications

Despite its benefits, BBL has risks. The procedure demands high skill and knowledge, as improper techniques can lead to serious complications. One of most significant risks is pulmonary fat embolism (PFE). PFE is a condition where fat enters the bloodstream and blocks the lungs. A PFE can be life-threatening. However, this is a less common issue than it once was. Previously, fat would be injected into the muscle, increasing the chances of a PFE. Plastic surgeons no longer inject fat into the muscle but instead into the fatty layer. Other complications include prolonged swelling, skin and fat necrosis, infection, and asymmetry. Choosing a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon is paramount to minimize these risks. Patients should seek professionals who are board-certified in plastic surgery and have a track record of successful BBL procedures.

Recovery Process

Recovery from a BBL varies from person to person, but generally includes a few standard guidelines. Patients can expect to return to light activities within a week or two. Full results appear after several months as swelling subsides. To ensure optimal fat graft survival, it is crucial to avoid sitting or lying directly on the buttocks for the first few weeks post-surgery.

Following your plastic surgeon's post-operative care instructions is key to a smooth recovery and achieving the desired results. These instructions include wearing compression garments, avoiding strenuous activities, and adhering to a specific sitting protocol. Read about when you can sit on your butt after a BBL.

Long-Term Results and Maintenance

A significant aspect of BBL's appeal lies in its semi-permanent nature. The results of a BBL can endure for years. The longevity of a BBL largely depends on a patient's lifestyle and body changes. Typically, a large percentage of the transferred fat integrates into its new location, providing lasting volume and shape. However, factors like significant weight fluctuations, aging, and lifestyle can influence the longevity of BBL results. Patients are encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise to maintain the enhanced buttocks. It's crucial to remember that while BBL offers lasting results, the natural aging process may eventually alter the shape and size of the buttocks.

Patient Eligibility and Considerations

Not everyone is a suitable candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift. Ideal candidates are those in good physical health, have enough fat deposits for the transfer, and possess realistic expectations about the outcomes. Patients must undergoIt's a thorough medical evaluation to assess their suitability for the surgery. Mental health is also a key consideration; understanding the reasons behind seeking a BBL and having realistic expectations are critical to the overall satisfaction with the results.

A BBL depends on four key factors.

1) Quantity of Fat. For BBL to be successful, you need some fat to transfer. Most BBL candidates have fat around the abdomen and love handles. Some patients may have additional fat in the thighs or back. The more fat you have, the more fat you can transfer and, thus, the better your BBL results. However, some patients are so slim that they do not have fat. Those skinny patients may need to gain weight to have a successful BBL. If you don't have fat, the BBL will not work.

2) Handling the Fat. Liposuction is a precise and delicate surgery. The fat must be delicately harvested, treated gently, and handled without trauma. Excessive trauma to the fat can lead to the death of the fat cell, poor BBL results, and possibly even infection if transplanted. Therefore, the fat must be harvested carefully during the liposuction portion of the BBL procedure. Also, the fat needs to be pure and cleansed of any impurities. The fat is strained to obtain concentrated, pure fat. Also, the fat is washed with antibiotics to minimize any potential for infection. Some plastic surgeons add platelet-rich plasma( PRP). PRP has stem cells and is thought to maximize the growth of new blood vessels to the newly transplanted fat. These techniques maximize the concentration of good, healthy fat.

3) Insertion of Fat. A key component is the surgical insertion of the fat. To have a successful BBL, the transplanted fat must be placed underneath the skin and in the fatty layer of the buttocks. Careful placement of the newly transplanted fat is essential. A tunnel is created with a cannula. A cannula is a medical-grade metal tube. Hundreds of tunnels are created, crisscrossed from under the skin to the top layer of the muscle. Then, the concentrated fat is carefully placed in these tunnels from superficial to deep. This method maximizes fat survivability. Once the newly transplanted fat is in position, the fat sends messages to allow for the ingrowth of blood vessels. The ingrowth of blood vessels maximizes fat survival. For optimal results, the transplanted fat must be under no pressure. Tension or pressure can constrict blood flow and lead to death and loss of the fat graft.

4) Post-operative Care. You must follow your plastic surgeon's post-operative instructions. A key component is that there is no pressure on the transplanted fat. That means to protect the fat, you should lay on your abdomen. If you need to lie on your back due to combined breast procedures, you must recover in a special BBL mattress. The BBL mattress allows for no pressure on the buttocks. Additionally, after your BBL, you will wear a special BBL compression garment that provides minimal compression over the butt. Most plastic surgeons do not allow their BBL patients to sit on their butt for at least three weeks.

A stunning transformation achieved through a BBL. This is a 45-year-old female Hispanic patient, standing at 5'3" and weighing 175 lbs. She showcases the art of enhancing buttock elegance and overall confidence. Courtesy of Dr. J. Timothy Katzen . This procedure highlights the beauty of self-improvement at any age.

Watch Dr. Katzen’s male BBL transformation on Youtube.

Alternatives to BBL

For those seeking buttock enhancement without surgery, there are non-surgical options available:

  • Exercise: Targeted workouts can naturally enhance the buttocks. Exercises like squats, lunges, and deadlifts focus on the gluteal muscles, promoting growth and firmness.

  • Sculptra Butt Lift: This non-surgical procedure involves the injection of Sculptra. Sculptra is a FDA-approved biocompatible and biodegradable synthetic substance. Sculptra stimulates collagen production and enhance buttock volume gradually.

  • Dermal Fillers: Similar to facial fillers, certain dermal fillers can add volume to the buttocks. Usually, dermal fillers are more temporary and less dramatic than a BBL.

  • Lipo 360: While not an alternative to BBL, Lipo 360 involves comprehensive liposuction around the midsection. Lipo 360 can indirectly enhance the buttock's appearance by sculpting surrounding areas.

  • Buttock Implants:

Understanding the Difference: Dermal Fillers vs. Silicone Injections

For cosmetic enhancement of the buttocks, two terms surface: dermal fillers and silicone injections. While they might sound similar these fillers are vastly different in terms of safety, efficacy, and overall health outcomes.

Dermal Fillers: A Safer Option

Dermal fillers for buttock augmentation typically consist of hyaluronic (Juvaderm) or polylactic acid (Sculptra). These fillers are FDA-approved for specific cosmetic purposes and are known for their safety and reversibility. When administered by qualified plastic surgeons dermal fillers can enhance the buttock's shape and volume with minimal risk. These fillers are biocompatible. This means they're designed to be safely absorbed by the body over time. The results are temporary, usually lasting from several months to a couple of years, depending on the type of filler used.

One of the key advantages of dermal fillers is the control they offer. The practitioner can precisely administer the product, ensuring a more uniform appearance and minimizing the risk of complications. Moreover, certain fillers can be dissolved in adverse reactions using specific enzyme injections, providing an additional safety net.

Silicone Injections: A Dangerous Gamble

On the other end of the spectrum are silicone injections . Silicone injeections or butt shots pose significant health risks. Often these injections involve industrial-grade silicone, the same type used in household and automotive products. These injections are not meant for human injection. Unregulated and frequently administered by individuals without medical qualifications, silicone injections can lead to disastrous results.

The complications from silicone injections can be severe and life-threatening. The body cannot absorb silicone. Once injected, silicone can migrate to different parts of the body, leading to serious health issues like infections, granulomas (lumps), auto-immune diseases (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis), and kidney damage. In some cases, these complications can be fatal. Removal of injected silicone is complex and sometimes impossible, leading to long-term health problems and irreversible physical damage.

An Informed Choice is Crucial

The allure of quick and inexpensive buttock enhancements, often promoted by unqualified practitioners, can be tempting. However, the consequences of choosing an unsafe procedure like silicone injections can be dire. It is crucial for anyone considering buttock augmentation to understand the stark differences between medically approved dermal fillers and hazardous silicone injections. Opting for treatments administered by board-certified plastic surgeons using FDA-approved products is the only way to ensure safety and achieve desired aesthetic results.

The Influence of Social Media and Celebrity Culture

The surge in BBL's popularity can be attributed to its constant showcasing on social media and celebrity endorsement. Images of curvy figures have flooded platforms like Instagram, influencing beauty standards and desires. However, potential BBL patients must understand that these images often represent idealized outcomes and may not accurately reflect the typical results of a BBL.

Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon

The importance of selecting the right surgeon for a BBL cannot be overstated. Prospective patients should seek board-certified plastic surgeons with extensive experience in fat transfer techniques. Researching the plastic surgeon's credentials, reviewing before-and-after photos of their work, and reading patient reviews are vital steps the selection process. Consultations should be thorough, with your plastic surgeon should provide detailed information about the procedure, risks, recovery, and expected outcomes.

Comparing BBL to Other Procedures

BBL differs significantly from other buttock enhancement procedures, most notably from "butt shots." Typically “butt shots,” involve the injection of silicone or other substances directly into the buttocks. These shots are highly discouraged by medical professionals due to the high risk of complications, including infections, disfigurement, and, in some cases, life-threatening reactions. Unlike these unregulated procedures, BBL uses the patient's fat, making it a safer and more effective option for those seeking to enhance their buttock's appearance.


The Brazilian Butt Lift, offers the allure of enhanced body contours and boosted self-confidence. The BBL is a complex procedure that requires careful consideration. Its benefits, include a natural-looking result and improved body proportions. Call 310-859-7770 or email [email protected] today to schedule a consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. J. Timothy Katzen in Beverly Hills. View his before and after photos and watch his procedure videos on Youtube.

Alternatives to BBL

For those seeking buttock enhancement without surgery, there are non-surgical options available:

Exercise: Targeted workouts can naturally enhance the buttocks. Exercises like squats, lunges, and deadlifts focus on the gluteal muscles, promoting growth and firmness.

Sculptra Butt Lift: This non-surgical procedure involves the injection of Sculptra, a biocompatible and biodegradable synthetic substance, to stimulate collagen production and enhance buttock volume gradually.

Dermal Fillers: Similar to facial fillers, certain dermal fillers can add volume to the buttocks, though this option is usually more temporary and less dramatic than BBL.

Lipo 360: While not a direct alternative to BBL, Lipo 360 involves comprehensive liposuction around the midsection, which can indirectly enhance the buttock's appearance by sculpting surrounding areas.

Understanding the Difference: Dermal Fillers vs. Silicone Injections

In cosmetic enhancements, particularly in buttock augmentation, two terms often surface: dermal fillers and silicone injections. While they might sound similar to the uninitiated, these procedures are vastly different, with implications for safety, efficacy, and overall health outcomes.

Dermal Fillers: A Safer Option

Dermal fillers for buttock augmentation typically consist of hyaluronic or polylactic acid (Sculptra). These fillers are FDA-approved for specific cosmetic purposes and are known for their safety and reversibility. When administered by qualified professionals, dermal fillers can enhance the buttock's shape and volume with minimal risk. These fillers are biocompatible, meaning they're designed to be safely absorbed by the body over time. The results are temporary, usually lasting from several months to a couple of years, depending on the type of filler used.

One of the key advantages of dermal fillers is the control they offer. The practitioner can precisely administer the product, ensuring a more uniform appearance and minimizing the risk of complications. Moreover, certain fillers can be dissolved in adverse reactions using specific enzyme injections, providing an additional safety net.

Silicone Injections: A Dangerous Gamble

On the other end of the spectrum are silicone injections, which pose significant health risks. These injections often involve industrial-grade silicone, the same type used in household and automotive products, and are not meant for human injection. Unregulated and frequently administered by individuals without medical qualifications, silicone injections can lead to disastrous results.

The complications from silicone injections are severe and life-threatening. The body cannot absorb silicone. Once injected, it can migrate to different parts of the body, leading to serious health issues like infections, granulomas (lumps), and organ damage. In some cases, these complications can be fatal. Removal of injected silicone is complex and sometimes impossible, leading to long-term health problems and irreversible physical damage.

An Informed Choice is Crucial

The allure of quick and inexpensive buttock enhancements, often promoted by unqualified practitioners, can be tempting. However, the consequences of choosing an unsafe procedure like silicone injections can be dire. It is crucial for anyone considering buttock augmentation to understand the stark differences between medically approved dermal fillers and hazardous silicone injections. Opting for treatments administered by board-certified plastic surgeons using FDA-approved products is the only way to ensure safety and achieve desired aesthetic results.

The Influence of Social Media and Celebrity Culture

The surge in BBL's popularity can be attributed to its constant showcasing on social media and celebrity endorsement. Images of curvy figures have flooded platforms like Instagram, influencing beauty standards and desires. However, potential patients must understandit's that these images often represent idealized outcomes and may not accurately reflect the typical results of a BBL.

Choosing the Right Surgeon

The importance of selecting the right surgeon for a BBL cannot be overstated. Prospective patients should seek board-certified plastic surgeons with extensive experience in fat transfer techniques. Researching the plastic surgeon's credentials, reviewing before-and-after photos of their work, and reading patient reviews are vital steps in this process. Consultations should be thorough, with your plastic surgeon providing detailed information about the procedure, risks, recovery, and expected outcomes.

Comparing BBL to Other Procedures

BBL differs significantly from other buttock enhancement procedures, most notably from "butt shots," which typically involve the injection of silicone or other substances directly into the buttocks. These shots are highly discouraged by medical professionals due to the high risk of complications, including infections, disfigurement, and, in some cases, life-threatening reactions. Unlike these unregulated procedures, BBL uses the patient's fat, making it a safer and more effective option for those seeking to enhance their buttock's appearance.


The Brazilian Butt Lift, while offering the allure of enhanced body contours and boosted self-confidence, is a complex procedure that requires careful consideration. Its benefits, including natural-looking results and improved body proportions, must be weighed against the potential risks. Call 310-859-7770 or email [email protected] to schedule a consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. J. Timothy Katzen in Beverly Hills. View his before and after photos and watch his procedure videos on Youtube.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.