What is PRP Vampire Facial?

By: Dr. J. Timothy Katzen


PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. PRP vampire facials are among the latest trends in skincare. You may have seen pictures of celebrities undergoing PRP and perhaps had questions about PRP. This procedure is gaining in popularity, and for good reason.

Dr. Katzen and his staff offer PRP procedures to his patients. If you have wondered about the benefits of getting a vampire facial, it is important to obtain the right information.

What is a PRP Vampire Facial?

A vampire facial uses microneedling to add PRP to the skin. This procedure is helpful for patients who:

  • Need wound healing support after a traumatic injury in joints and tendons.
  • Want to look younger.
  • Want to enhance a hair restoration procedure.

Microneedling is a treatment that is available on its own. Adding platelet-rich plasma delivers stem cells and can accelerate the healing process. A lot of patients love vampire facials because they are non-surgical, effective, and offer a quick recovery time.

Patient getting blood drawn

Patient getting blood drawn

The PRP Procedure

The PRP procedure has three steps. First, Dr. Katzen and his team will draw some blood. The blood is placed into a centrifuge machine that separates the plasma and platelets from the red blood cells. Finally, the blood is injected into the patient’s face or scalp with microneedling.

Typically, the injection method is used on patients who have acne scars or wrinkles on the skin. The needles used are.5 to 2.5 millimeters in size, and they only go skin deep. This method of treatment “injures” the skin, which encourages the production of elastin and collagen to promote healing.

Vampire facials do not take as much time as other facial rejuvenation methods. Usually, the entire procedure only takes about 45-60 minutes.

What are the Benefits of PRP Vampire Facials?

Many patients view PRPs as safer than injectables because they use your own cells. There are many benefits to vampire facials, such as:

  • A reduction in wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Plumper and less sagging skin.
  • An improved complexion.
  • Less noticeable acne scars.
  • Improved skin texture and tone.

Patients that have excessively sun-damaged skin will also experience an improved look and feel to their skin following a PRP vampire facial.

PRP Vampire facial


Who is a Good Candidate for PRP?

Almost every patient is a good candidate for PRP treatment. However, it is especially helpful for patients with skin damage due to prolonged sun exposure, or for patients with acne scars. PRP vampire facials are an excellent option for patients who desire facial rejuvenation.

PRP with microneedling is not recommended for patients with clotting or bleeding disorders, or for patients with a history of blood diseases. A vampire facial may not be a good choice for patients with extreme sun damage or excessively loose skin.

What do Patients Experience After PRP Treatment?

After having a vampire facial, patients may experience some bruising, swelling, and pain. These effects should subside fairly quickly. For many patients, their only side effect is a little bruising at the blood draw site.

Most patients should expect to experience sensitive skin for a few days following treatment. Downtime is minimal, and patients do not need to take a lot of time off work after PRP. Many patients see results after just a few weeks. However, more noticeable results are visible after about six months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are vampire facials permanent?

No, vampire facials and PRP treatments are not permanent. It may take up to six months before you see the full results. PRP effects may last up to 18 months.

If you would like to continue with the treatment, Dr. Katzen may recommend maintenance treatments at least once a year. Dr. Katzen will talk with you about the right schedule to meet your needs.

Are PRP Treatments Inpatient or Outpatient Procedures?

PRP treatments are performed on an outpatient basis, right in Dr. Katzen’s office. You will not need to stay at the hospital overnight, and the procedure is relatively quick with minimal downtime.

How much does PRP cost?

The cost of PRP varies depending on the extent of the procedure and your individual needs as the patient. If you choose Dr. Katzen and his team, you will be presented with flexible cash and credit options for payment.

Are patients awake during PRP vampire facials?

Yes, you will be awake during your PRP vampire facial. Dr. Katzen may use a topical numbing cream or local anesthesia that will help with the pain from microneedling. There is no need for general anesthesia.

How painful are PRP procedures?

During your PRP treatment, any pain you experience should be minimal. You will have some mild pain when your blood is initially drawn. However, this pain should be very similar to how it feels when you donate blood or have a blood test done.

As you heal, you may notice some pain and swelling, but it should subside quickly. Your face will appear red - almost like you have a sunburn. Sunscreen is recommended, and you should avoid wearing makeup for about a week during the healing process. Dr. Katzen will advise you on the steps to take for your individual situation.

Choose Dr. Katzen for Your PRP Vampire Facial Treatment

Patients choose to undergo vampire facials for many reasons. If you are considering having the PRP procedure, Dr. Katzen is now scheduling consultations. PRP treatment is a wonderful alternative to injectables, and many patients prefer it because it uses their own blood cells.

If you have questions about PRP, or if you are ready to schedule your consultation, please call (310) 859-7770. Dr. Katzen has offices in Beverly Hills, CA, and Dubai UAE. He offers both physical and virtual consultations via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, and WhatsApp.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.